6 Verbs to Use for the Word wus

Never even asked who the feller wus.

Them Dutchmen could n't talk nuthin' but their own lingo; an' thar wa'n't a navigator aboard, fer Sanchez hed kept all the offercers with him, an' the end wus about a week later, when we piled up against an island off the African coast, an' only one boat load of us got ashore.

The last I saw o' him wus at sea.

Maybe he thought that wus his boat he'd stumbled interthar wus quite a few 'long the beach.

"I dun told the ossifer dar wus no one here you knows, answerin' to your perscription.

Ben wuz so 'stonish' dat he couldn' hoi' de boy, who slipped out'n his ban's an run to'ds de house ez fas' ez his legs would tote 'im. "Po' Ben kep' gittin' wus an' wus mixed up.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  wus