20 Verbs to Use for the Word yawn

"The fatigues of a long day, coupled with the evening's wine" He stifled a yawn behind the back of his hand, and smiled in polite deprecation.

The old woman gave a yawn that changed to a groan.

You remember, Etta, what I told you before we were marriedabout the people, I mean?" "Oh, yes!" answered Etta, glancing at the clock and hiding a little yawn behind her fan.

" She rose and concealed a simulated yawn.

" There were endless questions to be asked and answered on both sides; but at last Dab yawned a very sleepy yawn, and said, "Ford, you've had your nap.

" "Katherine said I was not to go to bed until she came in, and I'm not so very tired," replied Phil, choking back a yawn with a great effort.

"Now," he announced with a little bow, "for what, one imagines, Mr. Phinuit would term the Elaborate Idea!" XXIV HISTORIC REPETITION Phinuit grinned, then smothered a little yawn.

" She suppressed a yawn, thinking, as she did so, how dull he always looked when he talked of agriculture.

In amends for this you have a good deal of music at the houses of individuals who hold conversazioni or assemblies; in which society would flag very much but for the music, which prevents many a yawn, and which is useful and indispensable in Italy to make the evening pass, as cards are in England.

"If I were you," she continued, repressing a yawn, "I'd manage to be seen on good terms with Low at the hotel; so perhaps you need not give the letter to him until the last thing.

" "I believe Iamgrowingsleepy," murmured Dodo, trying to be polite and swallow a little yawn, but not wholly succeeding.

A tired listener at church, by properly varying his long yawns and his short ones, may express his opinion of the sermon to the opposite gallery before the sermon is done.

Benton muffled a yawn.

Camilla, lounging sideways on her own veranda window sill, rested her head against the frame, alternately blinking down at the pretty widow through sleepy eyes, and patting her lips to control the persistent yawns that tormented her.

" "Well," drawled Stangrave, feigning an ostentatious yawn, "I believe the wise method of ridding oneself of impertinents is to grant their requests.

'The worse for me,' said Sir George, forcing a yawn.

He had sat there before dawn and watched the queer, pinky-white light steal with ever widening fingers through the darkness, heard the yawn of the city as it seemed to shiver and tremble before the battle of the day.

It makes one smile two or three times at the beginning, but in recompense makes one yawn for two hours.

At the jewelry counter, a crystal rectangle facing broadside the main entrance and the bleached and sun-grilled street without, Miss Lola Hassiebrock, salient among many and with Olympian certainty of self, lifted two Junoesque arms like unto the handles of a vase, held them there in the kind of rigidity that accompanies a yawn, and then let them flop.

At another time, having been present at the first performance of one of his comedies, and noticing the undissimulated yawns of the parterre, he confessed, upon leaving the theatre, that no one had been more bored than he.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  yawn