67 Verbs to Use for the Word yearning

I have felt yearnings of tenderness towards some of these facesor rather masksthat have looked out kindly upon one in casual encounters in the streets and highways.

But the Maitlands knew that his position at New Plymouth did not satisfy the yearnings of his earnest and aspiring soul, and that he felt a strong desire to return to Salem, and minister among those who had been his first friends, and his first congregation.

I cannot blame you; for I well know the yearning of spirit that draws a man to his kindred, and to his father’s house.

His beautiful face was so close to mine, and it expressed such a naïve and strong yearning for my active and intimate sympathy, and such divine frankness, and such perfect kindliness, that I had no more will to resist.

"Let any man of spirit and feeling, for a moment cast his thoughts over this land of slaverythink of the nakedness of some, the hungry yearnings of others, the flowing tears and heaving sighs of parting relations, the wailings and wo, the bloody cut of the keen lash, and the frightful scream that rends the very skiesand all this to gratify ambition, lust, pride, avarice, vanity, and other depraved feelings of the human heart....

The dream fell on him one calm summer night; And thus in that fair form still heavenward turning Eternal aspiration, endless yearning, Stood now the Thought before his gladden'd sight.

She strenuously fought this yearning and found it was growing less and less powerful to influence her.

How their sub-corrected longings curb our much maturer yearnings.

A bitter east wind blew up the road and set her yearning for the joys of Mr. Wilks's best room.

Feature by feature, line by line, he went over it, and into his heart crept that peculiar yearning which seems, on analysis, half pity for what has past and half fear for what may come.

And into her song came crying her yearning for home, and for the sound of the shout of the North Wind, masterful and proud, with his lovely lady the Snow; and she sang of tales that the rushes murmured to one another, tales that the teal knew and the watchful heron.

DILLON takes objection to the prison garb; discloses strong yearning to see Prince ARTHUR arrayed in it.

wind and limb, because of the leapings and chargings that I did make; and because of the weight of the armour, that was not overmuch, yet to be considered; but that I fainted not, was by reason of the wondrous hardness and leanness that I was grown to, with so constant a journeying and strait living; for the tablets did keep the strength in a man, though, truly, they eased not the yearnings of the belly.

One put into the embrace all of her new-found joy, the other all the suppressed feeling of the last half hour, which in turn embodied the unsatisfied yearning of many years.

Nala could hardly endure his yearnings of love; near the apartments of the women there was a forest; into that he retired, living in solitude.

He had evinced a yearning for conversation each time, but it had been diplomatically confined to salt and other condiments, the weather and the scenery.

The host, the relic, the wonder-working shrine, things endowed with a mysterious potency, evoked the yearning and the awe of medieval multitudes.

The most important of the post-Hegelian systems, the system of Lotze, shows that the scientific spirit does not resist reconciliation with idealistic convictions in regard to the highest questions, and the consideration which it on all sides enjoys, that there exists a strong yearning in this direction.

Most of the men, moreover, experience a constant yearning for home, which, yearly increasing, terminates in despondency, and leaves them open to the attacks of disease.

So he explains the incarnation as man's love for man, man's yearning to help his fellows, the renunciation and suffering man undergoes for man.

Had Ann's yearning for love been the breath blowing to flame Katie's yearning for understanding?

I was afraid to follow the yearnings of my own soul, and yet I knew that only there lay happiness.

And, as now they watch my slumber, while their soft eyes on me shine, God forgive a mortal yearning still to call his angels mine.

Political economy and social science cannot teach any lessons that are not embraced in the simple truths that were taught to poor fishermen and Jewish peasants by One who eighteen hundred years ago was crucifiedthe simple truths which, beneath the warpings of selfishness and the distortions of superstition, seem to underlie every religion that has ever striven to formulate the spiritual yearnings of man.

Had I not fostered the yearning for heroic deeds in his young bosom?

67 Verbs to Use for the Word  yearning