111 Verbs to Use for the Word yer

I forgot datter tell yer.

" "I bet yer," agreed Abe.

"Lor, bless yer," as Betsy Jane Ward would say, a choir will sing, anything put before them if it is set to music; and they think no more of getting through all that sad business about personal sinfulness, agonising repentance, and a general craving for forgiveness, than the odd woman did when she used to kiss her cow and say it was delicious.

"You decide ter leave yer hum, with all there is to it, an' me inter the bargain, an' go ter board with folks what don't know yer likins nor understan' yer feelin's, an' the end on it'll be that you'll jest wilt away wuss than a mornin' glory.

ebber I knowed yer.

" "I'd pay yer to-morrer.

"Nobody 'll stop yer!"

" "I tole yer they warn't funny; they warn't o' that kind that peeks through them long stick glasses and puckers up their lips.

I seed yer once fore

We want yer on deck, sir, right away.

But w'at 's de matter wid yer, Nancy?

Seems as if my heart would break, But I love yer for her sake, Don't I, Jim? See him sit and purr and blink, Don't yer bet he knows I think

"Turn yer 'ead and yer a dead 'un!"

They book 'im through to Blighty and 'e drop a line from 'ome, Comparin' clay in Flanders with the proper British loam; "An' w'en you gets yer seven days, you come along an' see The roses an' the lavender, the lavender, the lavender ...

"Don't yer remember my tellin' yer that night," said Josiah Bailey to Eben Hill, "that she'd come to the right place for help when she come to Elder Kinney?"

Ef I wuz a poor, shifles' crittur, only workin' fer de praise o' men, folks would say,'he's no differen' frum de rest; you've got to keep yer eye on him ef yer want tings done properly.

"Well, it's true what I'm tellin' yer," persisted Saunders seriously: "the ice is goin' out, and it's goin' soon, and when you're washed out o' yer bunks ye needn't blame me, fur I warned yer.

I likes yer for it.

I didn't want to meet yer.

'And Isaac never said?' 'Bless yer, no sir!

I promised Eliza I wouldn't forget yer, and I won't.

He gave old Peter a capital chance to turn upon him morosely with, "Look a-yer, my chap, is this 'ere your boat?"

"You should ha' given 'em to me at first, and then I shouldn't have hurt yer. Come on; I'll show yer now where yer can get something to eat.

We wos to foller yer, and to do the job wherever we could.

I wud like yer to kiss me onst, when they bring me in, and jes say, Bessie, I forgive yer.

111 Verbs to Use for the Word  yer