12 Verbs to Use for the Word yit

"Mista Travis ain't come yit; we has ten minutes befo' de contes' styarts.

Oh, I hear yer groans, but I ant begin to cum ter worst yit.

"'Hol' on,' Ah tells 'er, 'you ain't forgot dat beatin' yit?

"Says he's jest painted his off foot blue an' striped it with red, an' it hain't dried yit.

Miss Annie, you doan' know nuffin' erbout de Dean temper yit.

I'm not too sure that he's melted yit!" said O'Riley, taking him by the arm and looking at him dubiously.

I give a man four dollars fer one o' them check things oncet, an' I owe myself them four dollars yit.

"If that durned Miss Panney," he continued, "keeps on tellin' that to the people, things will be a cussed sight worse than me a livin' here without decent vittles, an' Phoebe a boardin' that minister that ain't paid no board yit.

"I 've tuck up more 'n a hundred niggers fer stealin', Kurnel, an' I never seed one yit that did n' 'ny it ter the las'.

"But that's not what I wos goin' to tell ye yit.

But one mawnin' she said she'd dreamp' dat night dat Skundus wuz gwine ter come back; en' sho' 'nuff, de ve'y nex' mawnin' who sh'd come walkin' out in de fiel' wid his hoe on his shoulder but Skundus, rubbin' his eyes ez ef he hadn' got waked up good yit.

"You may want 'em yit.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  yit