28 Metáforas para for

For el alba cf.

For almost a hundred and fifty years no historian or bibliographer wrote anything to challenge the basic affirmations of Chirino, Fernández and Aduarte.

=66= 9 =lo que es eso=: 'as for that.

, as Avana (above) for Havana, an (lower down) for han, avito for habito, &c. This ought, probably, to be 3000.

But as the War progressed they became friends again, for after it became inevitable Rasputine wanted the War fought through to a victorious end.

, for rather has it been so that I cannot see her.

A candidate for the presidency of the Republic, he was assassinated before election (Poesías, colección formada sobre los manuscritos originales, con prólogo por M.A. Caro, New York, 1883).

For my father the young Empress soon conceived a warm liking and confidence and she named him as vice president of the committee of Assistance par le Travail.

For the other dames d’honneur, however, I have no hesitation to say that they were not on their best behavior.

She feels ill herself, for she doesn't sit down nor heed the requests of her daughter.

For his works, see Doloras y cantares, 16th ed.

=Este es el tren para Madrid.= She has enough money for her clothes.

For themselves they seemed to look forward to nothing better than an obscure existence with other

For Valdés is not orthodox; more than one of his novels is iconoclastic in this respect; but such is his sympathetic comprehension of attitudes of faith that we feel that his religion is deep and pure in spite of its dispensing with creed.

For all of these bazaars the Empress and her ladies worked very hard and from the opening day the Empress, however precarious the condition of her health, always presided at her own table, disposing of fine needlework, embroidery, and art objects with energy and enthusiasm.

for =locomotora=, locomotive =locro=, Arg.

=le= refers to =olfato= and is needed for clearness since =olfato= precedes the verb.

=mente=. =fregado= m dish-washing; =ser lo mismo para un que para un barrido= be ready for anything (for a fight or a frolic, for anything from preaching to fiddling, etc.).

" For the rest of the line and for a speech analogous in spirit, see Don Quijote's outbreak in Chapter XVII of the Second part: "¿leoncitos a ?

The pink jacket is far too pretty for an old woman like me, but the hat is all right for my gray hair.

For writing it the author received six thousand reales.

Kind indeed he proved himself, for he visited my sickroom in friendly fashion, risked arrest by consenting to smuggle letters to my parents in Petrograd, and was the first to warn me that the Provisional Government was contemplating my arrest.

The form =hará= below is more difficult; the force of the future there is presumably either 'why is it that God apparently makes me' or 'what do you suppose God makes me so silly for,' 'what can God be after in making me,' etc.

á , step for step; step by step; abrir , to open up a passage; to make way; dar un , to take a step; dejar , to let pass, make way.

I think they are taking it for granted that we are going with them.

28  Metáforas para  for