60 oraciones de ejemplo con safe

incólume, safe, unharmed, in safety.

(irr.) of salvar, saved; safe; adv.

seguro, -a, secure, sure, safe, certain; dar por , to assure; to assert; de , assuredly.

It is to be hoped that this edition may serve as a safe approach to the systematic study, of the Romantic Movement in Spanish literature.

=sin novedad=, safe and sound =tela para pantalones=, trousering =tijeras=, scissors EXERCISE 1 (45).

We hope you may arrive safe and sound, and we advise you to take care of yourself.

Put the file in the safe; we always keep it under lock and key (bajo llave).

=salvo,-a=, safe.

Safe, n. [sef

=seguro=, sure, safe.

The only division by time which it is safe to attempt must be very general.

=seguro=, sure, safe.

=salvo -a=, safe.

=sano -a=, sound, healthy; =sano y salvo=, safe and sound.

We do not feel safe here, but father feels that it would be foolish to go out just now.

It pleased him very much to hear that we had arrived safe and sound.

=salvo y sano=, safe and sound.

=cubierto, -a=, covered, protected; =a de=, safe from.

=incólume=, unharmed, safe, sound.

El transeunte; la obrera económica; el opulento banquero; el anciano infeliz; el representante del que llega á la vida, y el que se dispone para el viaje á la muerte, todos emprenden sus relaciones con el Safe Depot, como si fuera confidente de todos los dolores, de todas las esperanzas y consuelos.

no hubo para él segura from him nothing was safe vida, ni hacienda, ni honor.

From the point of view of the Duma Dr. Manouchine was entirely a safe man to be appointed.

George cross, said that in case of trouble he would try to get me to his sister’s house, where I would be perfectly safe.

The scenes in the streets, as they were described to me, were appalling, and soon it was decided that my retreat was too near the center of hostilities to be at all safe.

Domingo and the Havana, whence others were forwarded to Carthagena and New Spain, so that we may now hope that all is safe.

60  oraciones de ejemplo con  safe