20 oraciones de ejemplo con wanting

faltar, to fail, lack, need, be lacking (or wanting); por hacer, to remain to be done.

Faltar[130] (to be wanting).

Falta hacer algunos arreglos: Some arrangements are still wanting.

" "to be wanting.

=faltar=, to be wanting, be missing; =falta=, it is necessary; =me =, I need.

=faltar= to be wanting, fail to keep a promise.

The ten spot is unknown, and when the deck consists of but 40 the eight and nine spots are also wanting.

It may be said that except in his best patriotic poems his verses lack lyric merit and his ideas are wanting in insight and depth; but his sincerity of purpose was in the main beyond question and he occasionally gave expression to striking boldness of thought and exaltation of feeling.

Wanting, adj.

: =carecer de=, to lack, be wanting.

=faltar (a)=, to need, lack, be in want of; fail, fall short of, be wanting in; be absent, missing or lacking, (obj.

=faltar=, to lack, fail, neglect, be uneasy, miss, be wanting, missing, need, be necessary; =¡si falta todo!=

=faltar=, v. n., to be lacking, to be wanting; to be absent; =me están faltando al respeto=, =107=, 17, who are failing in their respect to me, are being disrespectful to me.

"Don't accuse us of wanting to get rid of you!" 9.

=faltar=, to fail, be wanting.

=Page 75.=1.{75-1} =faltándole ... seculares=, because its foundations, centuries old, were found wanting.

á,= to be wanting in, fail in.

porque pleitos acomoda, to meet his obligations os apalabró una boda promised you marriage celebrations que iba a celebrarse luego; as soon as it could be so, pero por mismo yo but I, wanting to catch a sight lo que érais queriendo ver, of the sort of man you were vine aquí al anochecer, came past at evening light y el veros me avergonzó.

not wanting to be it now.

"We put aside glacial or paleolithic man of America, (se refiere á la del Norte) pág. 5, as yet wanting in the credentials which entitle him to a place in the scientific circles"....

20  oraciones de ejemplo con  wanting