50 oraciones de ejemplo con wonderful

#asombroso, -a#, wonderful, amazing.

Wonderful things are to be found in the sea.

indicating surprise wonderful, gracious *castigar* punish *castillo* m. castle *castizo* chaste, pure *causa* f. cause, sake ** ts (hissing sound made to call some one's attention) *cebolla* f.

=maravilloso= wonderful, marvelous.

=mágico, -a= magic, magical, wonderful.

=peregrino, -a= strange, wonderful.

But Spain, under the despotism of Ferdinand VII, the "Tyrant of Literature," remained apparently indifferent or even hostile to its own wonderful creations, and clung outwardly to French neo-classicism.

Wonderful, adj.

The paper book is a wonderful thing.

I had a wonderful time at the theatre, and I don't think this would've been possible without the Internet!

Add to this number some thirty volumes of Novelas Contemporáneas, and one sees the monument that Galdós offers us of the wonderful persistence and fertility of his talent.

=maravillos-o, -a=, wonderful, marvellous.

=prodigios-o, -a=, prodigious, astonishing, remarkable, wonderful.

=Manuel= m. Manuel =mañana= to-morrow; =pasado = the day after to-morrow =mar= m. sea; =por esos es= on the high seas =maravilla= f. marvel, wonder =maravilloso, -a= marvelous, wonderful =marcha= f. march, course =marido= m. husband =marrullero= m. deceiver, cheat =marzo= m. March =mas= but

=¡cáspita!= great Scott! wonderful! =Castellar=, proper name.

=estupendo -a=, wonderful, stupendous.

=maravilloso -a=, wonderful, marvelous.

" The usual text-book in Spanish dwells upon the achievements, character and ideals of the Spanish nation and it reveals to the student a wonderful people and a marvelous field of human activity.

Oigo, en efecto, un cuchicheo parecido á un roce de hojas secas; pero mi compañero, á dos metros, no oye nada, y ha de ser la dichosa bóveda muy socorrida para los once mil y tantos bobalicones que ven hablar á su presidente, ¡sin estar en el foco! ¡Wonderful! exclama el coronel, que es ingeniero; y felicita calurosamente al portero como si fuera éste el constructor.

They were wonderful horsemen, comparing favorably with the best of the Cossacks, and their horses, through long breeding and training, were natural pacers.

, who had become a nun and was now abbess of a wonderful convent in Moscow, the House of Mary and Martha.

This was called the Road of Mushrooms because it ended in a wonderful mushroom bench.

On December 6 (Russian Calendar), the birthday of the Emperor, we met his train at Voronezh, where our parties joined in visits to Tambov, Riasan, and other towns where the people gave their Majesties wonderful greetings.

There were two parcels in fact, one containing flour, sugar, macaroni, and sausage, wonderful luxuries, and the other a pair of stockings knit by the Empress’s own hands, a warm scarf, and some pretty Christmas cards illuminated in her well-remembered style.

I have always to be imagining new things! Yes, God is wonderful and has sent you (as always) in great sorrow, a new friend.

50  oraciones de ejemplo con  wonderful