19 adjectifs pour décrire language

Language today (La langue aujourd'hui) est un nouveau magazine

An instance of the conventional language of love, now exploded, like F. flamme and E. flame.

" En ce qui concerne le WorldWide Language Institute, quelles sont les perspectives?

on the Web is accessible to everybody, irrespective of language differences.

gives for each language a brief history, its features, writing system and character set and keyboard for computer and Internet processing.

There will be language games designed to entertain and teach fundamentals of linguistics.

provide a European focus for all aspects of the use of technology for language learning;

of the reasons for CEVEIL's existence, because we focus on things like language use and processing on the Internet.

Languages that are endangered are primarily languages without writing systems at all (only 1/3 of the world's 6,000+ languages have writing systems).

The long-term goal is 60 languages representing most European languages.

I am publishing in one new language per month right now, and will continue as long as possible.

This association of language teaching professionals from Europe and worldwide aims to: promote the use of foreign languages within Europe;

Language will become even more important than

At that point, and as the growth of the Web slows, the accuracy of language translation hits 98% plus, and the saturation of language pairs has covered the vast majority of the market, language transparency (any-language-to-any-language communication)

ed as their character or symbol names in the LaTeX typesetting language.

everyone else (via the Web, chat, games, e-mail, and whatever future applications haven't even been invented yet), but I don't know if this will lead to stronger language ties, or a consolidation of languages until only a few, or even just one remain.

of the reasons for CEVEIL's existence, because we focus on things like language use and processing on the Internet.

If the Internet is to truly become the global network that it is promoted as being, then all users, regardless of language background, should have access to it.

page translated into other languages would do for a start, before it becomes obvious that more should be done to develop a certain language branch on a website.

19 adjectifs pour décrire  language  - adjectifs