13 adjectifs pour décrire very

The resulting newspaper articles in support of the government very soon made their author a favorite at court and he was, furthermore, liberally rewarded and encouraged in his work.

for the public stage, Mme. de Maintenon applied to Racine, requesting him to write a play that should be entirely suitable for performance by very young ladies.

«Ces gens-là sont stupides, very stioupid: Adam et Ève n'avaient pas de nombril!

E. Matzke, in their editions of «Hernani», have so thoroughly annotated it that it has been impossible to avoid the appearance of following them very closely;

own hands into his guests' very mouths. I

Le prig[A] de lord Elgin (voyez Jonatham Wilde pour sa définition du priggisme), se prit de querelle avec un autre prig, Gropius[B] de nom (nom tout-à-fait convenable, very good name, à son genre d'occupation), et demanda satisfaction dans une réponse verbale qu'il fit à une note du pauvre Prussien.

E. Matzke, in their editions of «Hernani», have so thoroughly annotated it that it has been impossible to avoid the appearance of following them very closely;

Note 50: I should very imperfectly execute the task which I have undertaken if I were merely to treat of battles and sieges, of the rise and fall of administrations, of intrigues

" "Come," said the captain, "you must think that I am very stupid.

attempt at more extended reading, very profitable.

Le prig[A] de lord Elgin (voyez Jonatham Wilde pour sa définition du priggisme), se prit de querelle avec un autre prig, Gropius[B] de nom (nom tout-à-fait convenable, very good name, à son genre d'occupation), et demanda satisfaction dans une réponse verbale qu'il fit à une note du pauvre Prussien.

Beshrew my very heart, I think you are happy

how he grows warm at the conclusion, and sits down amid a hush and thrill, very likely, leaving

13 adjectifs pour décrire  very  - adjectifs