9 mots qui vont bien avec communication

the communication which we may expect from Lord Aberdeen, in pursuance of the application made to him by Sir Stratford Canning, on the subject of the matter treated of in this despatch.

it, or else that M. de Pontois must have made such a communication entirely without instructions or authority from his own Government, and indeed in direct opposition to the spirit of the instructions which he had

Néantmoins, ayant le dict Sr de Montlouet et moy desjà heu communication avec monsieur l'évesque de Roz, nous n'obmettrons rien de tout ce qui se pourra dire et fère, au nom de Vostre Majesté, envers ceste Royne, pour la liberté, restitution et advancement de la Royne d'Escoce, et pour avoir permission de l'aller veoir, et puys de parfère son voyage.

M. de Le Coq reserves the communication of his instruction, in the hope of being able to act simultaneously with M. de Titow.

the communication between Canada and Mississipi by the river Ohio open, which else our Indians

En conséquence, je crois devoir ajouter à la présente communication la note ci-jointe.

the communication between Canada and Mississipi by the river Ohio open, which else our Indians

With reference to my other despatch of this day, inclosing, for communication to M. Guizot, a copy of an instruction which I have addressed to Sir Stratford Canning respecting the execution of a Greek near Brussa who had apostatized from Islamism, I have to state to your Excellency that, in the event of your making the communication to M. Guizot in sufficient time to enable him to send his instructions

The undersigned therefore in transmitting to M. Guizot the accompanying papers, in order that they may be made known to the French Government, begs to assure M. Guizot that he makes the communication not in consequence of any doubt which

9 mots qui vont bien avec  communication