100 phrases avec le mot wind

nautical expression = 'sailing near the wind'.

34 14 mistral: (Latin magistralis 'masterly') 'mistral,' a violent north-west wind which sweeps down the Rhône valley.

The wind blows during the heavy summer afternoons.

The uncle saw which way the wind blew.

f. north wind Bismarck (

quel vent?, what lucky wind? Bonaparte (Napoléon), the French Emperor (1769-1821);

s', be engulfed, be swallowed up, be poured (into), rush (of the wind).

fatiguer, v. to weary, tire, exhaust, wear out, lash (of the wind).

-west wind, west-north-west.

and s. great, grand, tall, large, big, chief, full, wide (open), open (air), long (step), high (wind, officer, etc.); au trot, at a fast trot;

lofer, v. to luff (bring the head of a vessel to the wind).

l'haleine, get a longer wind.

tourner, v. to turn, flank, turn around or over or the corner of, turn out, wind, twist, bend, circle;

Of a' the Airts the Wind can blaw.

Ode to the West Wind.

On ne sentait pas le moindre vent, not the least wind was felt.

Pour ne prendre qu'un exemple, le classique mondial "Gone With the Wind" ("Autant en emporte le vent") de Margaret Mitchell, publié en 1939, aurait tomber dans le domaine public au bout de 56 ans, en 1995, conformément à la législation de l'époque, libérant ainsi les droits pour les adaptations en tous genres.

did adorne: Ne suffred she the middayes scorching powre, Ne the sharp northerne wind thereon to showre;

The untun'd and jarring senses, O, wind up,

And throw it against the wind....] [

Note 305: Blow, blow, thou winter wind, Thou art not so unkind

Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms.

and secondly they proved it by the following syllogism: words are but wind;

and learning is nothing but words; ergo learning is nothing but wind.....

it was ten thousand to one whether I should ever see it or not, and in the sand too, which the first surge of the sea upon a high wind would have defaced entirely.

100 phrases avec le mot  wind