23 phrases avec le mot an hour

She has spent an hour and a half singing.

there still remains a quarter of an hour for me to work. 8.

He talked for an hour (but has stopped).

She had been working for an hour.

une heure, half an hour;

That an hour, a moment, may prove fatal?

Demi before and after its noun: une demi-heure, half an hour.

une heure et demie, an hour and a half.

Dans une heure, in an hour.

une heure et e, an hour and a half.

Then the drums beat, and in less than an hour

" "Well, just try me for an hour, not a moment more.

» «His dethe I saw by revelatioune, Sayid this Frere, at home in our dortour, I dare well saye, that within half an hour, After his dethe, I saw him bore to blisse In my visioune,

How they do sweat, and run themselves from breath, Raised on their toes to catch thy airy forms, Still turning giddy, till they reel like drunkards, That buy the merry madness of an hour, With the long irksomeness of following time! (Ibid.

an hour before this chance, I had liv'd a blessed time;

and at night before she went to bed, she failed not to resort unto her chapel, and there a large quarter of an hour to occupy her devotions.

country at cards together, I could not help treading on your toe under the table, or rubbing knees with you, and staring in your face, till you saw me, and then looking down and blushing for an hour together, etc.»«Why, he put the tip of his tongue between my lips.

an hour in every morning for tea, and bread and butter;

an hour pleasant enough.

being sometimes detected in an hour, often in a day, and always in a week....

The foul elephantine leprosy, alleviated for an hour, reappears in new force and desperateness next hour.

Or il faut que, «Now, if I go out but for an hour.

him good and great in half an hour.

23 phrases avec le mot  an hour