27615 phrases avec le mot but

Dans le n. 13 du Vol. V, qui ne diffère pas essentiellement du n. 12, on lit de plus: and M. Champlain governor of the Fort deposeth but of 2500.

And did trade at Todasecke with ye savages that come thether for Beaver skins, and Elke skins, but he cannot tell to what quantity or vallue;

but referres himselfe to the Customers Books for the Certaintie thereof.

He denies that he wrought by way of challenge to Captaine Vincent Harris, but if he spake any wordes it was in his drinke and is forrie for it.

But reported that the Companie came to deceive them for that there were other of their Countrymen

shall not onely serve for warrant but likewise for such expresse signification of our will and pleasure, that whosoever officer, souldyer, or inhabitant shall not readily obey, but shew himselfe crosse or refractory thereunto, shall incurre our highest indignation and such punishment and penalty as shalbe due unto offendors of soe high a nature.

where witnesses would have byn allowed, which wee earnestly desired, We doubt not but to have recovered charges of de Caen rather then any money should have

Kingdomes ought to suffer as Pyratts and the shipp and goods soe taken are lawfull prize and therefore noe restitution ought to be made but contrarily the

Champlaine their Governor whoe should know best deposeth but 2500 or 3000 beavors.

But whatsoever he pretended Monsr.

urged thereunto, but suffered them there to remayne as they doe to this day.

But now by this

it appeares that for such goodes as wee shall have remayneing in Canada and deliver de Caen wee are to have but 30 per Cent more then they cost us, which seemeth as strange on thother side;

But what the French have deposed is come to their handes (being little more than halfe of the said somme) is yeilded unto and restitution to be made for noe more.

was but to enforme

, but upon consideration of the Charge and expence the traders weare at in setting forth their shipps and it was but casuall

Il fit prévenir la supérieure du but de sa visite, et on le fit monter à la cellule d'Edmée, il attendit l'arrivée de sa fille.

Dans quel but? sous quel prétexte? Il accompagnait M. Maxime de Palonier qui est le cousin de Mariette, et comme il m'a reconnue... Il t'a parlé? La soeur surveillante était présente.

Mais quel moyen employer pour atteindre ce but?

L'assassin est Gobson, et c'est madame de Beaufort qui le poussait. Quel but avait-il donc?

fort bien, alors... ESCALUS.Allons, vous êtes un sot ennuyeux: au but.

Le prévôt est instruit de nos vues et de notre projet: l'affaire une fois commencée, suivez vos instructions, et tendez constamment à notre but particulier, quoique vous ayiez l'air de vous en écarter pour ceci ou pour cela, selon que les circonstances le conseilleront.

La fable, inventée librement, n'est dressée que vers ce but;

Il se rendit à Londres, séjourna long-temps dans cette capitale, et ne la quitta que lorsqu'il eut des renseignemens précis sur un projet qui avait pour but d'abattre le premier consul.

Que les jeunes générations se bercent d'espérances: avant de toucher au but, elles attendront de longues années;

27615 phrases avec le mot  but