57 phrases avec le mot details

The story of the composition of "Les Rois en exil" is an interesting study of Daudet's methods, his inexorable insistence on truth, even to the most minute details.

The truth may be photographed in its most minute realistic details, as in Zola, or it may be colored by poetic fancy;

the pages on that city in "Lettres de mon moulin" will show how many details have been borrowed from the notes Daudet took down during his stay in Algeria.

Occasionally, especially in his later works, this degenerates into diffuseness, and he exhibits a tendency to repetition and a fondness for long enumeration of names and details.

the point at which the amassing of details is effective.

Closamont and other details that

1, p. 73, etc., reprinted with additional details in the edition of the Oeuvres diverses de Marivaux, published in 1765 by Duchesne, and again in the edition of the Oeuvres complètes, published in 1781 by the widow Duchesne.

Il a raconté lui même tous ce details.

distinguer, v. to distinguish, make out, make out details;

If we had sufficiently capacious memories, and a sufficient power of maintaining order among a huge masse of details, the reasoning could go on without any general propositions;

For these details see Od.

To this very indifferent and cold production he has traced both the scheme and most characteristic details of Chénier's Malade.

But if we were to demur at such details we could hardly read anything written in the now accepted style.

, denied me to M. Francheschi, who went on to the internuncio and delivered his message to H. E. who came here immediately with M. Francheschi, and prepared a despatch for Prince Metternich detailing the transaction, and of which I have now the honour to enclose a copy that will save your Lordship the trouble of details from me.

by means of the newspapers, with the details of the execution of the Armenian, Serkiz Papazoghlou,

the details of this bloody catastrophe are well calculated to deserve the serious attention

containing interesting details respecting the customs, manners, government and religion of these people;

comprising the most interesting details on the present state of agriculture, and the natural produce of those countries;

the details of my

[Note 14: H. ALSDORF, Experimentelle Darstellungen von Gebilden der Mondoberfläche, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Details.

of a Mother's love surviving her death inspires the legend, and, despite savage details, produces a touching effect (Ralston, Nineteenth Century, Nov.

I cannot give you the details of that memorable day;

If we had sufficiently capacious memories, and a sufficient power of maintaining order among a huge mass of details, the reasoning could go on without any general propositions;

» XII Details orographiques La direction suivie par le projectile, on l'a déjà fait observer, l'entraînait vers l'hémisphère septentrional de la Lune.

Félicité de Lamennais lived a life whose details belong as much to the history of philosophy, or to ecclesiastical history, as to that of belles-lettres.

57 phrases avec le mot  details