26 phrases avec le mot dinner

What made me mad, was[10] that they invited me to a dinner at which I found several of my relatives.

Not a one of us was invited to the dinner

Has dinner been served?

For six weeks he was never seen, except at dinner-time, and the

dis , say, etc. donner, v. to give, hand, cause, make (assault), bear (fruit); se , give or represent oneself, take; sur, open on, run into; à, give (reason) to; à dîner, give a dinner;

dîner, m., dinner.

=digestion=, f.: =visite de =, dinner (or party) call.

=dîner=, m., dinner.

= de digestion=, dinner (or party) call.

One day, when they had a marrow bone for dinner, and found it difficult to extract the marrow, the wife wished that her husband had 'tel bec came li plereit E cum li Huite cox aveit.

The chief owner paid for the wedding dinner, and now you see why we are all here this morning.

Après ce repas, on est entré dans le grand salon pour se reposer quelques instants et mettre en pratique le proverbe anglais: After dinner sit a while After supper walk a mile, ce qui veut dire: Après un repas copieux, prenez du repos.

-morrow dinner, then? OTHELLO.

the hour of dinner, which of the eating day, was ten of the clocks, and upon the fasting day eleven.

After dinner full truly she would go her stations to three altars daily;

No fear lest dinner cool....

Udswoon, I'll give my wench a wedding-dinner, though I go to grass with the King of Assyria for it.

They tell me, when he entertains his friends, he will sit down to dinner with a dozen of his own securities;

thereby demonstrate to the world what Christian abstinence, and what primitive, self-mortifying vigour there is in forbearing a dinner, that they may have the better stomach to their supper.

Many an honest man, before as harmless as a tame rabbit, when loaded with a single election dinner, has become more dangerous than a charged culverin.

'And madam,' says he, 'if such dinners you give, You'll never want parsons as long as you live;

You yourself, dear sir, forget to go to sleep after dinner, and find yourself all of a sudden (though you invariably lose) very fond of a rubber.

What good dinners you havegame every day, Malmsey-Madeira, and no end of fish from London.

the present reign: and it is probable that towards the end of the season, one or two will be asked to dinner by SIR ROBERT

like to take an opportunity after dinner and say

26 phrases avec le mot  dinner