18 phrases avec le mot emotion

Footnote 68: #avec abandon#, yielding to her emotion.

In fact, the opportunity for dramatic action is neglected by Marivaux, whose genius led him to analyses of motives rather than to portrayals of deep feeling or strong emotion.

émotion, f. emotion.

lyrical emotion, they deal with

*tendresse*, f., emotion.

Master your emotion, my child! OLYMPIA.

Honour, as here used, means a state of approving and admiring emotion, followed on occasion by corresponding outward acts.

Quand Tygrane a parlé de sa belle entreprise Vous croyant sans enfans ce propos m'a surprise, Et si j'ay faict paroistre un peu d'emotion, J'avois pour l'exciter assez de passion.

=émotion=, f., emotion, feeling.

Il y a apparence que la jeune Elvire ne se negligea pas et que Victoria ne fut pas sans emotion.

Elle en fut emue, et, ne pouvant plus cacher cette emotion, elle pria dom Carlos de la venir voir en sa tente, elle l'alloit attendre, et le quitta après lui avoir appris son quartier, et qu'on l'appeloit dans l'armée le mestre de camp dom Fernand.

Emotion de l'Empereur.

Emotion mutuelle, aveux muets.

It is a universal exclamation in the south of France to denote surprise, pity, joy, or almost any other emotion.

To set a great poet's words to music has become for Stravinsky an absurdity, because to him the verses themselves are already a completely and independently satisfying equivalent of musical emotion.

There Siddons in the prime of her majestic beauty looked with emotion on a scene surpassing all the imitations of the stage.

Honour, as here used, means a state of approving and admiring emotion, followed on occasion by corresponding outward acts.

Emotion des patriotes.

18 phrases avec le mot  emotion