153 phrases avec le mot feminine

supply a feminine noun (manière, façon) after belle;

The Latin adjectives of two terminations (grandis, e) had regularly in French one form (grand) for masculine and feminine

An e was added in the feminine through the influence of other feminine adjectives (bonne, from bona), but the old form is retained, with the addition of the apostrophe, in certain phrases Pronounce as if grand' were masculine.

An e was added in the feminine through the influence of other feminine adjectives (bonne, from bona), but the old form is retained, with the addition of the apostrophe, in certain phrases Pronounce as if grand' were masculine.

' Final s was pronounced in Old French, after it was no longer pronounced in most words it still continued to be sounded in las in the expression de guerre las because of the presence of the feminine guerre whence the erroneous spelling lasse.

64 11 Marco: a Provençal feminine noun, hence o instead of a Marca.

It is they (feminine) who were mistaken.

duché, which is now masculine, was formerly of the feminine gender.

#féminin, -e#, feminine.

Most of the sketches are characterized by that intuitive and feminine delicacy of perception and that subtlety sometimes lacking in Addison, and, while perhaps too often they appear over quintessenced or subtilized, at times they attain an eloquent and virile tone.

, in short, of the feminine side of Marivaux.

Mention has been made of the feminine side of Marivaux's writings, but the Paysan parvenu, published in 1735, some six years before the last publication of Marianne is of an entirely different type.

Dorante, a young man of honorable extraction, but poor, finds himself reduced to the position of steward or director in the house of Araminte, a rich young widow, to whose hand he is induced to aspire by Dubois, his former servant, now in her employ, who, by his profound knowledge of the feminine heart, aided by his

FEMME «ACCOMPLIE» «Feminine to her inmost heart, and feminine to her tender feet.

La premiere est dicte masculine: & l'aultre feminine.

] L'aultre pronunciation de ceste lettre, e, est feminine: c'est adire de peu de son, & sans uehemence.

Estant feminine elle ne repcoit aulcun accent.

Note aussi, que quand ceste lettre, e, est feminine, elle est de si peu de force, que tousiours elle est mangée, s'il s'ensuict apres elle ung [

En marge: Couppe feminine.

] langage uulgaire, appellent cela couppe feminine: c'est adire abolition de le, e, feminin, qui rencontre une aultre uoyelle, par laquelle il est aboli apres la quatriesme syllabe du uers.

The treatment of the Conjugations, of the Gender of Nouns, the formation of the Plural of Nouns and Adjectives, of the Feminine of Adjectives, and of Adverbs, will be found novel and ingenious.

Formation of feminine, § 14 106 Formation of plural of, § 15.

Formation of the feminine of, § 14 104-106 CONJUNCTIONS.

Of manner, formed of adjectives by generally appending ment to their feminine terminations, as: gaiement, gayly.

Non pourtant elle adossa la tendreur feminine, et s'adouba de virile vertu.

153 phrases avec le mot  feminine