50 phrases avec le mot heavy

, tackle for raising heavy weights;

alourdir, v. to make drowsy or heavy.

much, heavy, loud, astounding.

and s. big, thick, stout, heavy, rough, coarse, fat man, bulk, mass, main body;

heavy, dull, drowsy, clumsy, burdensome.

thick-set, heavy.

se le coeur, be or make heart-sick; serré, -e, tight, close, compact, dense, pressed; avoir le coeur serré, be heavy-hearted.

taffetas, m. taffeta (formerly a heavy silk, now a thin, glossy silk;

*épais*, thick, heavy.

*lourd*, heavy.

lourd, heavy.

and that the Sultan in attempting it might be exposed to a heavy, perhaps even to a dangerous, responsibility.

He had a heavy frame, golden hair and beard, a rather broad face, blue eyes, fair complexion, and a meditative expression, all of which would easily cause him to be taken almost anywhere for a professor from a German university rather than for the Frenchman which he really was.

Erckmann sued the paper for libel and recovered heavy damages.

=lourd, -e=, heavy.

= de Tokay=, Tokay (a heavy, sweet wine);

Le Project Gutenberg inclut trois grands secteurs: la littérature de divertissement (Light Literature), comme Alice au pays des merveilles, Peter Pan ou les Fables d'Esope, la littérature "sérieuse" (Heavy Literature) comme La Bible, les oeuvres de Shakespeare ou Moby Dick, et la littérature de référence (Reference Literature), composée d'encyclopédies et de dictionnaires, par exemple le Thesaurus de Roget.

It's literally the newest frontier for mankind, a place where everyone can claim his place, and do so with relative ease and a minimum of financial resources, before heavy inter-governmental regulations and taxation finally set in.

b) "Heavy Literature" (littérature "sérieuse"), qui inclut par exemple La Bible, les oeuvres de Shakespeare ou Moby Dick;

Constitution de trois grands secteurs: "Light Literature", "Heavy Literature" et "Reference Literature". 1994: Numérisation de huit livres par mois. 1994 (janvier):

b) «Heavy Literature» (littérature «sérieuse»), qui inclut par exemple La Bible, les oeuvres de Shakespeare ou Moby Dick ;

Constitution de trois grands secteurs: Light Literature, Heavy Literature, Reference Literature.

In Pomerania a ghost takes the Wolf's rôle, the stones are felt to be rather 'heavy' by the ghost, and the child escapes.

heavy and pale as lead.

his eyes are heavy: think not they are glazed with wine.

50 phrases avec le mot  heavy