138 phrases avec le mot hour

' 60 24 à la veillée: 'at the gossiping hour' Veillée = a sitting up at night for work or pleasure, especially to tell stories.

Deux heures et A half hour.

She has spent an hour and a half singing.

there still remains a quarter of an hour for me to work. 8.

He talked for an hour (but has stopped).


She had been working for an hour.

is the hour for gentle thoughts and quiet feeling: Dans la sérénité du pâle crépuscule, La brute par moments pense et sent qu'elle est soeur De la mystérieuse et profonde douceur.

# heure#, half hour;

on entonna l’hymne splendide «sweet hour of Brayers» dont les accents majestueux, après avoir fait vibrer la salle sonore, allèrent se répercuter au loin dans la prairie.

, f., half hour.

=heure=, f., hour, time;

a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more;

[Footnote 716: Behold the Hour.

passé cette heure, that hour passed.

à toute heure, every hour.

Dans une heure, in an hour.

une heure, a half-hour;

une heure et e, an hour and a half.

heure, f., hour.

Note 167: Hourd, hour.

How they do sweat, and run themselves from breath, Raised on their toes to catch thy airy forms, Still turning giddy, till they reel like drunkards, That buy the merry madness of an hour, With the long irksomeness of following time! (Ibid.

country at cards together, I could not help treading on your toe under the table, or rubbing knees with you, and staring in your face, till you saw me, and then looking down and blushing for an hour together, etc.»«Why, he put the tip of his tongue between my lips.

Even in the hour of social mirth, my gaiety is the madness of an intoxicated criminal under the hands of the executioner.

In this situation such a fit of passion has sometimes seized me, when alone in my chambers, that I have cried out aloud, and cursed the hour of my birth;

138 phrases avec le mot  hour