425 phrases avec le mot over

, on the other hand; derrière, behind; dessus, over; devant, in front; , the same way, which way.

*parcourant*, see *parcourir*. *parcourir*, to look over, peruse.

*revenu*), to come back, return, recover, get over, come to.

=dessus=, on, over, upon;

G =gagner=, to gain, seize, come over, reach;

L =-bas=, yonder, over there.

=parcourir=, to look over, go over.

=parcourir=, to look over, go over.

=par-dessus=, over, down.

to go over, cross;

=retourner=, to return, turn over;

=ruminer=, to think over.

=surveiller=, to oversee, watch over.

le gigot appartenait à trois Anglais qui l'avaient apporté, et l'attendaient sans impatience en buvant du champagne (prating over a bottle of champain).

il partit avec ses amis Deele et Van-Over... et je restai seule pendant huit jours.

It is the dread of the invisible, hasty critic or professional pedant, looking over your shoulders, to whom you would fain acknowledge fealty, and placate for dealing in manifest trivialities.

] [Illustration: Fig. 60.] -bas (over there), c'est une frauduleuse.

sur, on, upon, over, about.

veiller, to watch over.

carefully read over

Moods and tenses, by this method, acquire an actual significance for the beginnera great gain over the length and stupid conjugation of the entire verb at once.

Au commencement de mars, le roi fit un voyage dans le département de l'Over-Yssel.

The drapery, though bold, is light and finished, and is supported, being thrown over the right arm.

for als moch as it is long time passed that there was no general passage ne vyage over the sea, and many men desiren for to hear speak of the holy Lond, and han

and hider-to have ben long time over the sea, and have seen and gone thorough many divers londs, and many provinces, and kingdoms, and isles.

425 phrases avec le mot  over