350 phrases avec le mot play

: faire son bezigue: 'to play his game of bezique,' a game of Cards.

49 25 Note the play on the words haut, Hauteur 14

25 22 fit fureur: 'was all the rage', of cette piece (de theâtre) fait fureur 'this play is all the rage'.

Moliere's play of that name, the word

Note the play on words in Teurs, carotteurs.

had the opportunity to see his play.

Do you know how to play cartes?

Does she know how to play the piano?

It is in the dawn that she loves to play.

Le Play le savait bien, lui qui, en tête de chacune de ses précieuses monographies, a placé le budget détaillé du foyer.

o'er the waters wide. The exulting sense the pulse's maddening play, That thrills the wanderer of that trackless way?

regardless of their doom, The little victims play!

jouer aux s, to play marbles.

) jeu, m., play.

jouer, to play.

faire la , to play the mistress.

«car, disoit-il, lorsque je luy veux remonstrer mes passions, elle ne me parle que de ses chiens et de sa chasse, si bien que je voudrois de bon coeur estre métamorphosé en quelque beau chien ou levrier, ou que mon ame fust entrée dans leur corps, selon l'opinion de Pythagore, afin qu'elle se pust arrester à mon amour, et mon ame guérir de ma play.

But with the woody nymphes when she did play, Or when the flying libbard she did chace, She could them nimbly move, and after fly apace.

-headed dartes, wherewith she queld The salvage beastes in her victorious play

If music be the food of love, play on, Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die.

Shall we have a play extempore?] VI La nature est dévergondée et grossière dans cette masse de chair, alourdie de vin et de graisse.

Note 260: And what's he, then, that says I play the villain?

The second lion was a taylor by trade who belonged to the play-house, and had the character of a mild and peaceable man in his profession.

As I looked upon him, he applied it to his lips, and began to play upon it.

and indeed a play upon words which involves

350 phrases avec le mot  play