39 phrases avec le mot politics

is concerned with politics, the richer bourgeoisie, and the aristocracy.

Hugo began to take an active part in politics.

, is described in La Princesse de Clèves: "There were so many interests and so many intrigues in which women took part that love was always mingled with politics and politics with love.

, is described in La Princesse de Clèves: "There were so many interests and so many intrigues in which women took part that love was always mingled with politics and politics with love.

He early showed a genius for war and politics, and in the service of Charles V. was a violent opponent of the Protestants of Germany.

=politique=, f., politics;

=politique=, f., system of politics;

In Politics if thou wouldst mix.

politics, and literature.

conceived as a public forum to exchange ideas on politics, economics, culture, science and technology, created in May 1997 BitBlioteca, a digital library which contains material mostly in Spanish, and also in French, English and Portuguese.

of people added the logo of the Belgrade radio B92 to their websites, without asking what it was and what politics it represented.

Questions in Religion, Philosophy, History, Politics, Social Economy, etc.

The poor little apprentice used to live with his parents without ever thinking of politics;

Rise and growth of American Politics.

Note 210: In politics if thou wouldst mix And mean thy fortune be, Bear this in mind, be deaf and blind, Let great folks

Note 310: I have simplified my politics into an utter detestation of all existing governments.

for a bow-string has done for hima staunch supporter of the old school of Turkish politics.

should be a colonel at five-and-twenty,of SMITH'S diplomatic relations that LORD LONGEARS should go ambassador to Constantinople,of our politics, that LONGEARS

He lived in London and Belgium and the island of Jersey, composing his first work, an «Essai sur les Révolutions», 1797, in which his ideas, both of politics and of religion,

He failed, however, when it came to writing history or engaging in politics, because, as Lowell long ago perceived, and as people now generally acknowledge, Lamartine was a sentimentalist, that is, a man who cultivated fine sentiments

As is usual, and not in politics merely, but in all combinations of human effort where supremacy

were radicals in politics, in religion, and in their aesthetics.

In spite of these anchors to conservatism, as one would suppose them, a title of rank and a seat among the immortals, Hugo became more and more radical in politics, drifting gradually towards the conception of an ideal republic, and bending his course thitherward.

Les Voix intérieures», there is a marked change in the views of the author as to religion and politics, from conservatism to radicalism, from conviction to uncertainty and almost indifference;

censorship has generally been maintained, but chiefly in regard to politics and criminal processes.

39 phrases avec le mot  politics