12 phrases avec le mot requisition

so that Nature, in this case, produces a change in the antecedent by definite and known means, and the consequent follows accordingly: a natural experiment which satisfies the requisitions of the Method of Difference.

to a renewal of the requisition that the practice should be entirely abandoned, and that they confidently expected that their representations would have the desired effect upon the Ottoman Government.

Lordship's requisition on the subject of the executions for apostacy from Islamism.

Lordship's requisition.

s requisition in its full extent.

, f., requisition, demand.

, paid a visit to the continent, and on their return have made application for the admission of three young Eclesiasticks, whom they proposed to take out with them from the Seminary of St.-Sulpice at Paris, but the same reasons which operated with you, have produced a negative to that requisition.

Juries, and securing the Independance of the Judges, with sundry other requisitions of less importance.

L'Etoile lui repartit qu'elle jugeoit bien qu'elles etoient dignes d'être ouïes, et l'engageaà les raconter à la première requisition qui lui en seroit faite;

elle était nourrie et habillée au moyen des requisitions, et les bureaux n'exerçaient aucun contrôle.

Toutes les rentrées se faisaient en bons de requisitions, cédules, rescriptions, papiers de toutes espèces avec lesquels on avait dévoré d'avance toutes les recettes de l'armée.

so that Nature, in this case, produces a change in the antecedent by definite and known means, and the consequent follows accordingly: a natural experiment which satisfies the requisitions of the Method of Difference.

12 phrases avec le mot  requisition