257 phrases avec le mot stage

En effet, on a eu la faiblesse d'admettre au stage, au serment et d'inscrire au tableau de l'Ordre quelques étrangers et notamment ce juif d'outre-Rhin.

Dans tous les cas, il a cet avantage qu'on y peut entrer de plain-pied, sans examens, ni cautionnement, ni stage.

Here were produced during the eighteen years that separate "Bertrand et Raton" from "Bataille de dames" (1833-1851) almost all his pieces that still hold the stage, notable among them "La Camaraderie," the most popular of his political comedies, "Une Chaîne," "Le Verre d'eau,"

, in his perfect command of the resources of the stage, which he managed as no dramatist before or since has done, except

Legouvé's. They are not qualities that will stand on the stage alone.

They need the setting of Scribe's stage-craft, the facile ingenuity of his intrigue, to give them corporeal reality.

... dans les batailles de dames! NOTES #Bataille de Dames#, adapted by Charles Reade to the English stage as "The Ladies' Battle," might signify also "a game of checkers," and "a battle of the queens" at cards, to which there is an allusion in the closing speech of the play.

Footnote 2: #plan#. French playwrights divide the stage into

The rear of the stage is called fond, and to this actors are said to remonter while they descendre toward the premier plan, nearest the footlights.

for, next to Molière, no author of comedies appears so often upon the stage of the Théâtre-Français as does the author of le Jeu de l'Amour et du Hasard.

did most of the writing, Chatrian most of the editing and adapting for the stage.

L'Académie aime à faire faire un stage au postulant avant de l'admettre dans son giron.

the stage were La Thébaïde (1664) and Alexandre (1665), which gave brilliant promise.

Incensed at a literary and artistic cabal, by which a rival play of Phèdre, by Pradon, was momentarily preferred to his own, Racine now withdrew from the stage.

on the stage (e.g.

it called for deeds enacted on the stage, and not in the slips. Hence, a new form, with a new name, le drame, has taken exclusive possession

French tragic stage.

for the public stage, Mme. de Maintenon applied to Racine, requesting him to write a play that should be entirely suitable for performance by very young ladies.

It is never spoken on the stage, and rarely, if ever, read in French schools.

Pourtant, ce stage d'un an auprès du grand avocat légitimiste fut décisif dans sa vie.

414 A un certain stage de leur existence, les écritures hiéroglyphiques cessent d'être figuratives.

Une deuxième session de formation de neuf mois - dont trois mois de stage en entreprise - a débuté en septembre 1998.

Sans compter qu'il y a bien des chances pour que les époux, après un stage comme le nôtre, n'aient jamais ensuite recours au divorce.

] Par le fait du divorce, les unions légitimes ont tendance à devenir des engagements à terme, un bail temporaire, quelque chose comme un stage d'épreuve.

Cat, the Yellow Dwarf, Finette Cendron, and Le Mouton to literature and the stage, where they survive in pantomime and féerie.

257 phrases avec le mot  stage