22 adjectives to describe profanity

The five hundred dollars was not to be found and Mr. Forbes was allowing his temper full ventthrough the usual medium of blasphemous profanity.

Major Bohannan, with chromatic profanity, ran from the gallery.

What female profanity!

The miner responded with a stream of forcible and picturesque profanity, winding up with: "And what kind o' trail did you have?" "Same as yours," replied the bishop feelingly.

The women in the cart kept up a continual lamenting, and Muckle John, who walked between two dragoons with his hands tied to the saddle of each, so that he looked like a crucified malefactor, polluted the air with hideous profanities.

He raised groans and hoarse profanities, and then, while the crew was still at supper, he abandoned his work and set out in search of relief.

The forewoman descended on her with a torrent of coarse abuse, whereupon Sadie rose suddenly from her machine, and in a burst of hysterical profanity and tears rushed out of the factory, vowing never to return.

Chart tibi vasmee!)"and Maximof lapsed into a strain of such ingenious and metaphorical profanity that my imagination was left to supply the deficiencies of my imperfect comprehension.

There was but little profanity but some rough horse-play, and a marked effort to pretend indifference.

" If he had burst into loud profanity, the effect could not have been more shocking.

I'd gladly give a hundred thousand dollars to get out of thethedarn thing!" Which was as near profanity as he had ever permitted himself to go.

The desperado drove her down into the muskeg, directing the girl's course with a flow of obscene and ribald profanity.

They were drunk and disorderly, and their firing of pistols, destruction of property and theft of edibles was not as bad as their outrageous profanity and obscenity on the cars in the hearing of ladies.

Commands and calls were being bawled in English, French, and polyglot profanity.

Then, as he went a step toward her, he exclaimed, with reckless profanity, "Ask the God who made me what I am, why I want you!

Siner had vaguely enjoyed old Mr. Tomwit's discomfiture over the deed, if it was discomfiture that had moved the old gentleman to his sententious profanity.

But instead of viewing the weary face with pity, Sinclair burst into sudden and amazed profanity.

The smoking of pipes was common, and thoughtless profanity was to be heard on all sides as an ordinary part of speech.

But here a stream of tremendous profanity burst from Nash.

He suddenly broke into violent profanity.

But the thing which chiefly struck me about the individual was not his vulgar and impudent profanity; it was his intolerable self-conceit.

[Illustration: soldier at rest] After what seems an interminable wait, we hear a clinking of mess tins and rattling of equipment, the sloshing of feet in the mud, and much whispered profanity, which all goes to announce to you that "they're here!"

22 adjectives to describe  profanity