31 Verbs to Use for the Word tassel

CHAPTER V. "The fragrant birch above him hung Her tassels in the sky, And many a vernal blossom sprung, And nodded careless by.

"The hours fly by like minutes," continues Nancy, stopping by the side window and twirling the curtain tassel absently.

"Just as they were putting the very tassel on to the cap of the climax, the page is torn out!

To these I add a drooping hazel-tassel or two, and a little bit of honeysuckle-leaf, just breaking greenly into life.

~A Song.~ Oh, the hopper grass is clattering and flying all the day Round the tawny, trembling tassels of the corn, While the dreamy, drowsy bumblebee goes bumbling on his way, And the locust in the woodland sounds his horn.

Hence, at a little distance, the whole mass of foliage seems to consist of tufts, each containing a tassel of long pointed leaves, drooping divergently from a common centre.

Indeed, so dark and threatening did this lowering of the eye become, at times, that the fair hair which broke out in ringlets from beneath a black velvet sea-cap, from whose top depended a tassel of gold, could no longer impart to his countenance the gentleness which it sometimes was seen to express.

We may say, however, that it consisted mainly of a pair of slippers and a nightcap, from the summit of which latter article of clothing drooped a lengthy tassel.

When my pretty Protestant had come to her own home she found that she had dropped the tassels of her parasol.

Although she exhibits the diamond tassels sparkling in St. James's sun or the musk and amber that perfume the Mall, she never penetrates beyond externalities.

She rolled her well-shaped ankles and flipped the gilt tassels on her shoe tops to and fro (yes, indeed, some women wore tasseled footgear in those days).

Heavy kukh-lánkas (kookh-lan'-kas), or hunting-shirts of spotted deerskin, confined about the waist with a belt, and fringed round the bottom with the long black hair of the wolverine, covered their bodies from the neck to the knee, ornamented here and there with strings of small coloured beads, tassels of scarlet leather, and bits of polished metal.

Don't you see he's got a blue tassel to his mortar-board?"

Warm airs were all afloat, full of vernal odors for the grateful sense, silvery birches shimmered like spirits of the wood, larches gave their green tassels to the wind, and pines made airy music sweet and solemn, as they stood looking heavenward through veils of summer sunshine or shrouds of wintry snow.

He then drew a jewelled dagger, having a tassel set with pearls, from his waist, and threw it towards me, and added, "At this moment I have no money about me to give thee; carry this [dagger] to the king, and thou wilt get whatever thou askest."

He lost this tassel from his robe; which I Shred thus, and cast it on the raging flames.

When my sister came home at night, the worsted was all sorted on the table in parcels for the girls who would come the next morning, while I was busily engaged in the experiment of making little worsted tassels.

" The miller sunk to his knees, and set the candle on the floor; La Vigne approached and mingled night-cap tassels and groans with him.

On the other hand, by pulling down the tassel, the plate will be raised and drawn upward against the board, so as to present its convex surface, with the words STUDY HOURS upon it, distinctly to the school.

By raising the tassel, the plate will of course fall over forward till it is stopped by the part b striking the board, when it will be in a horizontal position.

Look at this," showing her the tassels of the inner window curtains done up in little bags.

I promised to meet a friend" Dade shrugged his shoulders and painstakingly smoothed the hair tassel which dangled from the browband.

Beyond the garden she saw, bathed in the sunlight, a field of corn, just in the ear, stretching for half a mile, its yellow, pollen-laden tassels overtopping the dark green mass of broad glistening blades; and in the distance, through the faint morning haze of evaporating dew, the line of the woods, of a still darker green, meeting the clear blue of the summer sky.

It was covered with a neat black velvet pall, at each corner of which hung suspended a heavy black silk tassel, which waved in the wind as it came careering on, in fitful gusts, one blast scattering a shower of snow upon the velvet pall, and the next, sweeping it away, and so they laid her in her grave, amid the howling of the wintry storm; but it disturbed not her repose.

The sun's shining, isn't it?' Clare stood by the window, and swung the blind-tassel.

31 Verbs to Use for the Word  tassel