23 adjectives to describe sluts

Polly was his gamethe deceitful little slut!

For why may not the mother be naught, a peevish drunken flirt, a waspish choleric slut, a crazed piece, a fool (as many mothers are), unsound as soon as the nurse?

'You clumsy slut!'

Miss Rawlins stared at me [a confident slut this Miss Rawlins, thought I]: so did Mrs. Moore.

Polly was his gamethe deceitful little slut!

A citizen of Bizance in France had a filthy, dowdy, deformed slut to his wife, and finding her in bed with another man, cried out as one amazed; O miser!

A citizen of Bizance in France had a filthy, dowdy, deformed slut to his wife, and finding her in bed with another man, cried out as one amazed; O miser!

"There isn't a poor drunken slut in the village who's disgraced herself like you.

"But, Mother" he began defensively, "I" "Me sweatin' over de wash-pot," the negress went on, "so's you could go up North an' learn a lil sense; heah you comes back chasin' a dutty slut!"

"My girl has returned," he writes, in the language of playful affection, "an elegant, accomplished little slut.

A citizen of Bizance in France had a filthy, dowdy, deformed slut to his wife, and finding her in bed with another man, cried out as one amazed; O miser!

He sent me to an old bark hut, Inhabited by a greyhound slut, Who put her fangs through my poor fut, And, snarling, off she ran.

Look on her The handsome, frowsy slut, that, by appearance, Hath never washed her body since she wed.

" "Guess again, Sir," says I. "That idle slut, the maid?" says he.

The woman did not cheat him, and Thomas knew enough of life to respect her for this remarkable honesty; she was simply an ailing, lachrymose slut, incapable of effort.

The woman did not cheat him, and Thomas knew enough of life to respect her for this remarkable honesty; she was simply an ailing, lachrymose slut, incapable of effort.

Why they came down is to me all a riddle, And left HALLELUJAH broke off in the middle: Jove's Court, and the Presence angelical, cut To eke out the work of a lazy young slut.

And doth it not deserve laughter to see an amorous fool torment himself for a wench; weep, howl for a misshapen slut, a dowdy sometimes, that might have his choice of the finest beauties?

'You noisy slut,' he growled, shoving his face, hideous in its crape mask, into the coach, and speaking in a voice husky with liquor, 'will you stop your whining?

You, a daughter of the streets, a rope-dancer, a clown, a ragged slut, you would lodge a complaint against me!

'Our Polly is a sad slut, nor heeds what we have taught her.

"My girl has returned," he writes, in the language of playful affection, "an elegant, accomplished little slut.

Indeed, such wicked sluts cannot be too severely punished for laying their sins at honest men's doors; and though your worship knows your own innocence, yet the world is censorious, and if your worship should provide for the child it may make the people after to believe.

23 adjectives to describe  sluts