6 collocations for besmirches

He had now evidently tried, in a roundabout way, to besmirch Tom's character and undermine him in her regard.

If my step has turned out of the way, And my heart followed my inclination, And if any spot besmirches my hands; Then let me sow, and let another eat, And let the produce of my field be uprooted.

You have trodden paths of glory (we have seen your banners fly) Where the murky smoke of battle gathered thickly o'er the sky; Can you thus besmirch the laurels that in other days you won, By forgetfulness of duties that by soldiers must be done? Egad!

We believe that the worst breach of the Seventh Commandment is the sin of an unloving kiss, the unwillingly given arms of a shuddering wife, striving to keep the canons of the prayer book and besmirching thereby her life with evil.

Isella was found to be a mother; and then the storm burst upon her and drabbled her in the dust as fearlessly as the summer-wind sweeps down and besmirches the lily it has all summer been wooing and flattering.

You can't put in a defense under the unwritten law without besmirching the very reputation you are trying to protect.

6 collocations for  besmirches