Which preposition to use with condemning

to Occurrences 388%

It is true he did not keep his promise; but after fighting several battles Suleiman was at length taken prisoner by Gordon's lieutenant; and so many were the crimes and cruelties that he had committed that he was condemned to death, and thus the slaves of Africa became rid of one of their worst oppressors.

as Occurrences 107%

Out of this came the old-fashioned chequer drawing, now condemned as injurious to eyesight and of little value.

for Occurrences 87%

A likely thing he will get it from Jove, whom he condemned for incest as far as in him lay: for he killed his son-in-law Silanus, because Silanus had a sister, a most charming girl, called Venus by all the world, and he preferred to call her Juno.

in Occurrences 79%

" Teachers who want real help in the art training of children should read the excellent papers by Miss Findlay in School and Life, where we are told that we must rescue the term "design" from the limited uses to which it is often condemned in the drawing class, viz.

without Occurrences 30%

Can you decide without inquiry, condemn without evidence, punish without hearing?

on Occurrences 24%

Twenty-one in all were condemned on the 10 Thermidor and taken in carts to the guillotine.

at Occurrences 20%

I shall certainly come to be condemned at last.

of Occurrences 12%

"I was a man condemned of his fellows, and the oar had been my pride, from childhood to that hour.

with Occurrences 8%

England seems to have been a century in advance of America, both in its wisdom and folly; and the same things in London life were ridiculed and condemned with unsparing boldness by Hannah

before Occurrences 4%

Methinks we might be condemned before commission.

like Occurrences 4%

The ruling classes are losing their clearness of vision, so that they promise monuments to those political murderers who promoted their own historical victories, but would condemn like any common criminal him who now devotes his soul to a revolutionary ideal, would throw into prison the pioneer of new human ideals, just as Russia is excommunicating the rebel Tolstoi.

under Occurrences 4%

Lucan, the author of the Pharsalia, was condemned under Nero as being an accomplice in the conspiracy of Piso: he caused his veins to be opened, and died magnanimously, aged about twenty-six, A.D. 65.

from Occurrences 3%

The President adjourned the court while the hall resounded with the protests of the defendants and the shouts of the police as they tore the condemned from the benches which they clutched and dragged them through the corridors toward the prison.

of Occurrences 2%

But I cannot fall in with you in your condemning of other Churches, and the Church of England chiefly.

after Occurrences 2%

Molly's spirit oughtn't to have taken up its abiding place in that highly ornamental blond shell, condemned after a fashionable girl's education to pendulum swings between Paris and New York and Lydford.

than Occurrences 2%

Had he not fallen from high estate as an interpreter of the soul, the critics might have seen here nothing more to condemn than in some of the Grecian tragedies, many passages in the "Paradise Lost," and in the general spirit of "Faust."

out Occurrences 1%

Adj. confuting, confuted, &c v.; capable of refutation; refutable, confutable^, defeasible. contravene (counter evidence) 468. condemned on one's own showing, condemned out of one's own mouth.

into Occurrences 1%

Fiends are pulling the wicked out of their coffins, and others are throwing the condemned into the wide-opened jaws of a frightful monster.

amidst Occurrences 1%

He is already exposed to be forced, upon his return from a tedious voyage, into new hardships, without the intermission of a day, and without the sight of his family; he is liable, after a contract for a pleasing and gainful voyage, to be hurried away from his prospects of interest, and condemned amidst oppression and insolence, to labour and to danger, almost without the possibility of a recompense.

about Occurrences 1%

Art thou the porter's son, that was condemned about my brother Gloster? RED.

Which preposition to use with  condemning