Which preposition to use with flitted

across Occurrences 79%

" A moment later three forms flitted across the deck.

from Occurrences 52%

"Lo! in that house of misery A lady with a lamp I see Pass through the glimmering gloom, And flit from room to room.

about Occurrences 51%

Frozen rills began to flow, the marmots came out of their nests in boulder-piles and climbed sunny rocks to bask, and the dun-headed sparrows were flitting about seeking their breakfasts.

through Occurrences 48%

The two girls found plenty to occupy them at the office, while Louise did the reportorial work and flitted through Millville and down to Huntingdon each day in search of small items of local interest.

over Occurrences 47%

These and many other thoughts flit over one's mind in looking at any phase of work, or any piece of work.

to Occurrences 27%

Thereafter, down rattled drawbridge and up creaked portcullis, and so, riding 'neath a deep and gloomy arch they came out into a courtyard, where were many vague forms that flitted to and froand many more lights that glinted on steel bascinet and hauberk of mail.

in Occurrences 22%

The ablest military combinations were rendered abortive by an enemy that was ever slipping between columns, flitting in the front, hovering on the flanks, assailing the rear, and, with perfect knowledge of the country, was sometimes in the mountains and again in the plains, ubiquitous, unattainable for serious conflict.

before Occurrences 20%

How gladly would I have changed places with Arthur, and with what sensations of despair I saw flitting before me in my mind's eye, the various visions of Carmel's loveliness which had charmed me out of myself.

like Occurrences 16%

An occasional bat would flit like a doubtful shadow across his eyes, but a cool breath of air was roaming about as well, which was not of the night at all, but plainly belonged to the morning.

past Occurrences 15%

Then, as a shadow flitted past the orange grove, he roused himself to hail: "Ah Pat!

by Occurrences 13%

whose cloudy skirts, With brede ethereal wove, O'erhang his wavy bed: Now air is hushed, save where the weak-eyed bat, With short, shrill shriek, flits by on leathern wing; Or where the beetle winds His small but sullen horn.

into Occurrences 11%

And then the climax flitted into sight, masquerading as a barrel of claret.

among Occurrences 11%

Brilliant birds flitted among the foliage, gold and silver fishes darted to and fro in a large stone basin of a fountain which threw its glittering spray over the lawn in front of the house, and on the vine-shaded veranda hammocks hung temptingly, and low wicker chairs invited to repose.

out Occurrences 8%

Every now and then she stopped to look in a shop, and more than once she smiled to herself as she remembered how she had escaped from her uncle's house by flitting out of the side entrance.

along Occurrences 6%

Many happy days he spent in the same way, with no living thing to keep him company, except the little white and grey sanderlings that piped so shrill and clear as they flitted along the margin before him; and the great sea-gulls that uttered hoarse, laughter-like cries as they soared and hovered above his head.

between Occurrences 4%

Light clouds flitted between the mountains and the heavens, later in the day, and flung bewildering, dreamy shadows on the far-off steeps, and dropped a gracious veil over the bald forehead and sun-bleak shoulders of Feather-Cap.

around Occurrences 4%

He stammered, said something she could not understand, and precipitately withdrew; and although both she and her aunt sought his figure in the gay throng that flitted around them, he was seen no more that evening.

with Occurrences 4%

Men shall crowd to the circus to hear clowns, and see rare feats of horsemanship; but a bird may poise beneath the very sun, or flying downward, swoop from the high heaven; then flit with graceful ease hither and thither, pouring liquid song as if it were a perennial fountain of soundno man cares for that.

above Occurrences 3%

A ray of bright red suddenly flits above the thick tops of the scrub-oaks.

of Occurrences 2%

Then there was bustling and officious assistance, then there was flitting of maidens and crowding of men.

as Occurrences 2%

And she flitted as light o'er the meadows, As an angel in the air.

for Occurrences 2%

" The ghost of a smile flitted for an instant about her pale lips and over the shadowy horror in her eyes, as Marcantonio leaned over her with their boy in his arms.

without Occurrences 1%

It is absurd to believe anything else; absurd to believe that man was meant to live like the butterfly, flitting without care from flower to flower, and, like the butterfly, die helpless at the first shower or the first winter's frost.

at Occurrences 1%

The bat that flits at close of eve Has left the brain that won't believe.

down Occurrences 1%

" He watched her flit down the dusky path, heard the click of the gate latch, and turned back into the office to wonder why it seemed suddenly bare and empty!

Which preposition to use with  flitted