539 collocations for waking

Even as I did so, something leapt out of the darkness, with a blustering bark of joy that woke the echoes, like thunder.

I had moved but a few steps, yet to my heightened senses, the noise seemed loud enough to wake the dead.

The desired hour at length arrived; when, on waking the old man, he alertly raised himself up, and at the first view of the diminished appearance of the earth, observed that our journey was a third over, as to time, but not as to distance.

In waking thought and nightly dreams, From every pore the water streams.

nowSixty Years ago, quoth yeAs old as I am I live without Surgeons, wear my own Hair, am not in Debt to my Taylor, as thou art, and art fain to kiss his Wife, to persuade her Husband to be merciful to theewho wakes thee every Morning with his Clamour and long Bills, at thy Chamber-door.

Therefore let us not feed our fancies with pictures of what the next world will be like,pictures, I say, which are but waking dreams of men, intruding into those things which they have not seen, vainly puffed up in their fleshly mindsthat is in their animal and mortal brain.

Above, the golden fountain bubbles clear, Whose water, sprinkled o'er these dead black stones, Will wake the sleepers from their chilly sleep.

Keep using it daily for half-a-century, says he, and see if you don't wake up some fine morning and find yourself a brick chimney stuck up on the roof of a house for bats to live in.

"No poetry could express, nor imagination conceive, the visions of blessedness that flitted across her fancy, and made her waking hours more delightful than those even that were given to temporary repose."

In my lonely misery, Oh! that loved voice ne'er forgot, Thou dost wake my brooding soul, Smit'st it till the bitter dole Breaks aloud beyond controul, While the briny tear-drops roll, Drowning, cries which she hears not.

But it was his noble sentiments, his generous human sympathies, his ardent aspirations after honorable distinction to be won by toil and self-denial, which woke my heart as by an electric touch.

In England the most essential thing to be done was to wake the people to their need, and to guide them in meeting the need.

But coexistently with this progress of the reason, the imagination would ever strain to clothe the thought in bodily form as far as possible, and would cling to the notions suggested by dreams and waking hallucinations, while language, after its wont, would speak of the spirit as the umbra, the imago, the shadow, the breath, the attenuated replica of the body.

But when possessed of fortune's store, The spectre haunts him more and more; Sets want and misery in view, Bold thieves, and all the murd'ring crew, Alarms him with eternal frights, Infests his dream, or wakes his nights.

" "That he was, captain Daggett; and when the deacon had not been over to perplex him, and wake up the worldly spirit in him, he was as well inclined to preparation as any sick person I ever waited on.

"If you wake another baby, you'll get a lickin'," he said genially to the dog; and then he stretched out his feet till they reached Nig's back, and a feeling of great comfort came over the Boy.

Don't wake up your wife!" He drew back and waited.

Suddenly he gave a great jump, and clapped his hands so loud that he woke his father.

MOTHER O cease your wrangling, cease, my dears; You would not wake a mother's fears Thus, if you better knew.

In the morning, when he woke, instead of his habitual sense of lassitude, he felt an eagerness to be up and doing, and a conviction that his individual task was a necessary part of the world's machinery.

It woke the children and Mary, who opened her eyes quickly in the dark, wondering if perhaps now the vision might come to her.

He paints them on the window-pane In fairy lines with frozen steam; And when you wake you see again The lovely things you saw in dream.

It woke up many memories of days gone by.

All through I moved and spoke like a man in a dream; swiftly, noiselessly, all the complications of waking life removed; without embarrassment, without reflection, without the loss of a moment.

Those radiant cheeks are veil'd in woe, A shower descends from every eye, And not a starting tear can flow, That wakes not an attending sigh.

539 collocations for  waking