1819 examples of awhile in sentences

The first bloom of death, that light that lingers awhile in the face like a sunset tranquil and blessed, a smile of immortal promise in the very moment of mortality, had faded.

She had moved awhile about certain ever sacred rooms, and as she moved she had hummed a little song, which was her life; she had touched certain objects, she had written her name in some books, she had made little everlasting memories with her hands,that was her history; and now suddenly she had gone.

He lingered awhile, loving each individual brick of the house with his eyes, and then, kissing his hands to the sleeping windows, he rejoined his cab, which he had left at the street corner, shy of awaking the hushed square with its clatter.

" Elsley was silent awhile; his rage, finding itself impotent, subsided into dark cunning.

It was a ruse, a stratagem, to keep him quiet awhile, and then bring him back,"restore him to his afflicted friends."

He could hear nothing for awhile but that same imps' melody, even though it had stopped.

What if the wise man's attitude, and the wise nation's attitude, is that of the Jews rebuilding their ruined walls,the tool in one hand, and the sword in the other; for the wild Arabs are close outside, and the time is short, and the storm has only lulled awhile in mercy, that wise men may prepare for the next thunder-burst?

And the old man lay back in his chair, and covered his face with his handkerchief, and was quite still awhile.

I'll look over the books awhile.

The gendarme takes it very cautiously; meditates awhile how to carry it; sticks the point of his bayonet into its muzzle, and lifts it aloft.

" Claude is silent awhile, startled.

It might be better to wait awhile.

Father had been there, too, awhile.

There were three places on the road, amongst the Cordillera ridges, where, in former wars, a Costa-Rican force, flying before the filibusters, had stopped to barricade, and gathered heart to withstand their pursuers awhile,long enough to bark the surrounding trees with musket-shot,some of them, indeed, amid their topmost branches; for it is a greaser-failing to shoot inordinately high.

Such things happen, and always must,because, as one of us said awhile ago, a man always loves a woman, and a woman a man, unless some good reason exists to the contrary.

Why didn't I tell him he had nothing to do with it, yet awhile?

But I knew they would not have meyet awhile, at any rate.

I lingered awhile in the meadow by the stream, looking at the rock-clinging sanctuary before wandering in search of the unknown up the narrow gorge.

Here I took up my quarters for awhile.

After looking at the meadow awhile, they all went to bed.

He opened his eyes after awhile to ask her why she had stopped reading, and when she told him, he declared brazenly that he had merely closed his eyes to shut out everything but her words.

"You wait awhile.

But after she had mused awhile, she seemed to perceive for the first time that he was very earnestly holding both of her hands.

" "He does well," said the younger Marillac, "for he is perhaps aware that although the wolf may prowl for awhile in safety, he is not always able to regain his lair with equal security.

Then he sets awhile, smellin' of the clean pine air and listenin' to the wind runnin' loose in the tree-tops and watchin' the clouds driftin' by, white and clean and proud-like.

1819 examples of  awhile  in sentences