4330 examples of in general in sentences

" J.W. wanted to draw Dr. Joe out about the work in general.

But though he had fallen on many a wished-for hap, he was curiously inapt at getting the truth about beasts in general.

And in general, the fact that the principle of female honor has no origin in nature, is shown by the many bloody sacrifices which have been offered to it,the murder of children and the mother's suicide.

Our public ships of war in general, as well as the private armed vessels, have continued also their activity and success against the commerce of the enemy, and by their vigilance and address have greatly frustrated the efforts of the hostile squadrons distributed along our coasts to intercept them in returning into port and resuming their cruises.

In the Prater dances often take place in the open air between the grisettes of Vienna, who are in general handsome and well made, and who dress well, and their lovers and admirers.

Don't you think that, as patron of things in general here, it would look well if you walked in, and signified your full approbation of what you know nothing about?"

From it can be seen not only that he did, at this early date, realize the possibilities of his invention along various lines, but that it embodies the principle of the police and fire-alarm systems now in general use.

Some of these were furnished only with carpets and pillows, the Hindoos not being, in general, partial to chairs or beds; in others, were different pieces of European furniture, such as, tables, chairs, presses, and even bedsteads.

The agents of the Executive and Governors, who were appointed to conduct their intercourse after the war, were, in reality, called to execute a high class of diplomatic functions, second only in general importance to those required at the prime courts of Europe.

We would talk like that, of things in general, in the old way.

It might be necessary, however, for two, at least, to go together, and in general I should think it best that they should be married men, and to prevent their time from being employed in procuring necessaries, two, or more, other persons, with their wives and families, might also accompany them, who should be wholly employed in providing for them.

In general, water was found in sufficient quantities and in suitable places, among the group; but, at the Reef, there was certainly this difficulty to contend with.

It was a sore point with the Montenegrins, from the Prince down, that Jonine was so officious in his intervention even in military advice, where he had not the least competence; and in general the Montenegrins resented the dictation of the Russian staff, even where it had every reason to urge its own views of the operations.

NOTE IX.In a series of three or more terms, if the article is used with any, it should in general be added either to every one, or else to the first only.

It must be acknowledged, however, that foreigners in general have never idolized Shakspeare, or paid him that devoted adoration, which his countrymen both pay and think him entitled to.

Dryden, on the other hand, was no great admirer either of Jonson's plays in general, or of the low and coarse characters of vice and folly, in describing which lay his chief excellency; and this opinion he had publicly intimated in the "Essay of Dramatic Poesy."

In general Ben Sira voices the wholesome Jewish attitude toward labor: Hate not laborious work; Neither agriculture that the Most High hath ordained.

The visual arts in general education.

ZACHRY, CAROLINE B. Science in general education.

The subject fields in general education; a report of the National Commission on Co-operative Curriculum Planning.

His favorite, George de la Tremoille, had become almost as unpopular amongst the royal family as in the country in general.

As her uncle was too unobservant in general to detect his disguise, he made a sign for her to command herself, and continued rowing as if nothing had occurred.

We are for lengthening our Span in general, but would fain contract the Parts of which it is composed.

Lintseed oil, which it produces, is much used by painters, and is the only vegetable oil that is found fit for such purposes in general.

" "The sentiment in favor of the young lady, in general, is favorable.

4330 examples of  in general  in sentences