Which preposition to use with annual

of Occurrences 64%

The Emperor promised to send an annual of from four hundred to five hundred gold bezants, with two pieces of a rich brocade then manufactured only in the Byzantine empire, to the republican governments, and sixty bezants, with one piece of brocade, to their archbishops.

for Occurrences 52%

He has fifty things in hand,farces to supply the Adelphi for the season; a comedy for one of the great theatres, just ready; a whole entertainment by himself for Mathews and Yates to figure in; a meditated Comic Annual for next year, to be nearly done by himself.

in Occurrences 12%

That irregularity in the process would not be without analogy, is shown by the case of the Indian sambur deer, of which there is evidence from such authority as that king of sportsmen, Sir Samuel Baker, and others, that the shedding does not always occur at the same season, nor is it always annual in the same buck; and by Pore David's deer, which has been known to shed twice in one year.

to Occurrences 2%

Thousands of Mohammedans make an annual to Mecca.

with Occurrences 2%

1936 annual with annotations.

like Occurrences 1%

The annuals like a dry, sandy soil, and are grown from seed sown in March.

as Occurrences 1%

The sessions, too, had gradually come to be, not annual as in England, but biennial, the Lord-Lieutenant spending as a rule only six months in every two years in Ireland.

by Occurrences 1%

The herbaceous kinds are increased by seed or division of the roots, the shrubby varieties by cuttings planted under glass, and the annuals by seed sown in the open in spring.

among Occurrences 1%

They contained the usual hardy annuals and bi-annuals among novelists, several new ventures, including John Potter's Giles in Bloomsbury (second impression); Jane Hobart's Children of Peace (A Satire by a New Writer); and Leila Yorke's The Price of Honour.

per Occurrences 1%

Cloudiness, annual per cent 53 Days with rain 135 Rainfall in inches: Mean annual 75.43 Greatest monthly 120.98 Least monthly 55.65

Which preposition to use with  annual