19 Verbs to Use for the Word salesman

"At the end of your rope, Mr. Holloway?" asked the salesman, with the suspicion of a sneer.

"The Cummings people are not sending cub salesmen to promote their big Asiatic trade.

"That's true, too!" declared the salesman.

"I want," he told the salesman, "something in a rough, coarse, common-looking suitsomething such as a day labourer might wear.

"Encore," shouted the piano salesman.

Very handsome indeed!" murmured the salesman.

Anxiously he pressed the salesman to tell him which of us used cars in the wareroom was the slowest and safest.

"ButI'm married," protested the young salesman.

" "Of your sister!" repeated the salesman, with surprise, half incredulous.

"Mr. Tutt said it was, though," shot back the salesman.

He showed the salesman in charge a letter from Mr. Crawford, authorizing him to select a certain amount of goods.

Wherever he looked stood a salesman and beckoned to him.

" At the office they warned him that he had a hard nut to crack; that Wylie was given to "stringing" salesmen and was a hard man to close with, but Hanford smiled confidently.

She addressed the first salesman she saw.

I feel that turning salesman and approaching a manager is like marching to the block.

As they had a high rent to pay, the price of salt was raised in proportion; but now the patricians, to curry favour with the plebeians, did not let the salt-pits to private tenants, but kept them in the hands of public labourers, to collect all the salt for the public use; and appointed salesmen to retail it to the people at a cheaper rate.]

" "Oh, my Lord!" groaned a flabby salesman in a pink tie.

With such training, he grew up an expert salesman; and before he was of age, after various changes in business, he became the confidential clerk in a large wholesale house.

Doesn't that mean salesmen?

19 Verbs to Use for the Word  salesman