25 Verbs to Use for the Word yelping

Once only he forgot what was due to his character, and gave a few yelps in holy time.

If slavery be thus fatally contagious, how is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?

The little man let out a yelp.

He could hear the yelping of the dogs in the distance.

At last he went fishing for himself, and succeeded in getting a black hard-shelled water beetle that nipped his nose with a pair of needle-like pincers and brought a yelp from him.

I can't raise the war-yelp and go careering about after glory when I owe every shilling I possess and thousands more to an honorable and generous gentleman who refused all security for the loan save my own word of honor.

Little Sweeny, finding that his mule was being crowded by an Apache's horse, uttered some indignant yelps.

Sounder, close behind, echoed the yelp.

And 'Dolph kept to the edge of the water, leaping forward a little and anon leaping back, and at each leap emitting a futile yelp.

"Hullo!"he let out a kick at Godolphus snuffling at the yard gate, and Godolphus, smitten on the ribs, fled yelping.

Faintly from afar floated an eager yelp, telling that the chase was still in full cry.

The spiteful terrier, which had meanwhile evinced an unpleasant interest in the thickness of my pantaloons, added his yelping to the clamor, and Mr. B., pointing to the clouds, thought we had better hasten homewards.

He showed a dog-like affection for some members of the household,a son of Mr. Oliver's especially,and a keen, nervous sensitiveness to the slightest blame or praise from them,possessed, too, a low animal irritability of temper, giving way to inarticulate yelps of passion when provoked.

Instantly they broke away on the trail, joining their shrill yelpings to the clamor, so different from the ordinary stealthy wolf hunt, and filled with a nameless excitement which they did not at all understand till the reek of caribou poured into their hungry nostrils; whereupon they yelped louder than ever.

In the morning I awoke in Utah, rode all the forenoon over arid plains; gaunt, hungry wolves scud away, cayotes ran yelping, and jack rabbits hopped out of sight for dear life; then we arrive at Salt Lake City, which the Mormons have transformed from a howling wilderness into a fine city, with a surrounding country budding and blossoming with bounteous harvests.

Occasionally we listened for a reply; but not a sound could we hear, save the snarling yelp of some prairie-dog, disturbed by the unusual noises, or the sharp, shrill cry of the night-hawk, that rapidly swooped over our heads.

Suddenly, the stillness was disturbed by the quick, snarling yelp of a coyote, so natural, that, for an instant, I persuaded myself it was the creature itself and not old Jerry.

Scarcely had his feet touched when there sounded the fierce yelp of a dog close to him, and as he darted away into the smother of the storm the brute followed at his heels, barking excitedly in the manner of the mongrel curs that had found their way up from the South.

The world's history of art and letters affords too many examples of men who, because they refused to pay court to the ruling cliques and circles of their little day, had seen the doors of recognition slammed in their faces; and who, even as they wrought their great works, had been forced to hear, as they toiled, the discordant yelpings of the self-appointed watchdogs of the halls of fame.

The third time his rifle cracked there answered it a sharp yelp of pain which Laagdon himself did not hear.

The hounds ceased their yelping and when untied, Sounder wagged his tail as if to say, "Well done," and then lay down; Don walked within three feet of the lion, as if she were now beneath his dignity; Jude began to nurse and lick her sore paw; only Moze the incorrigible retained antipathy for the captive, and he growled, as always, low and deep.

He had entered a pine thicket when he heard behind the frantic, choking yelps of a dog in dire distress.

There, on the edge of the tide, danced 'Dolph yelping; and there, knee-deep in water, facing him with lowered head, stood a magnificent stagyes, the stag of yesterday!

I would leave alive not one of these curs that dare yelp at me!

The sound of horses munching their oats, and an occasional clink, rattle, and growl from the lions did not drown the faint but unmistakable yelps of a pup.

25 Verbs to Use for the Word  yelping