7 Metaphors for impossibility

It is, therefore, a physical impossibility for polygamy to be a universal custom.

The particular intellectualistic difficulty that had held my own thought so long in a vise was, as we have seen at such tedious length, the impossibility of understanding how 'your' experience and 'mine,' which 'as such' are defined as not conscious of each other, can nevertheless at the same time be members of a world-experience defined expressly as having all its parts co-conscious, or known together.

The impossibility of finding a legitimate limit to these international relations has been the cause of many wars.

Ellis had not lived long enough to learn that impossibilities are merely things of which we have not learned, or which we do not wish to happen.

But an impossibility is an impossibility, after all, and as drawings don't run away of themselves, plainly somebody had taken them, unaccountable as it might seem.

How know you that that very impossibility was not the testimony of fact and experience to that old Catholic dogma, for the sake of which you just now shrank from my teaching?

Impossibility is a formidable sound to ignorance and cowardice; but experience has often discovered, that it is only a sound uttered by those who have nothing else to say; and courage readily surmounts those obstacles that sink the lazy and timorous into despair.

7 Metaphors for  impossibility