25 Words to use with pool

One could loaf in a hard chair in front of the hotel, lose a dollar or two at the shabby pool-room, or go to a movie show and see pictures of frankly ridiculous Western melodrama.

The real rock-pool fish are those which live their lives there.

The Secrets of Spanish pool checkers (also known as pool checkers or Polish minor checkers) Book.

Up to 'leven years ago it wasn't nothing, honey, for me to sleep on a pool-table one night and de luxe the next.

"...Blue was the sky, And blue the rice-pool water lay Holding the sky; Blue was the robe she wore that day.

The penguin pool murder.

"She do be like to a stag for grace o' body, and wi' the eyes of a stag" "Nay, master, her eyes do be maid's eyes, look'ee, very soft and sweet, and her hair, look'ee" "Her hair do be like a forest-pool brim-full o' sunset" "Not so, master, her hair is red, look'ee" "And each day she do bring us flowers, master" "And suckets, look'ee, very sweet and delicate, master.

From the open door of the pool hall the marshal saw a thin, black streak of smoke curling far out on the horizona dozen milesnortheast of Eagle Butte.

Gentle winds through forests calling; Big waves on the sea-shore falling; Bright birds through the thick leaves glancing; Light boats on the big waves dancing; Children in the clear pool laving; Mountain streams glad music giving; Yellow corn and green grass waving; Long-haired, bright-eyed maidens living; Light on all things, even as now God, our Father, it is Thou!

Coarse laughter, snatches of song, the click of pool balls and the chink of glasses mingled with the thrumming of three or four musical instruments along the lighted way.

Then followed in rapid succession the victories of Contreras (con-tra'-rahs), Churubusco (choo-roo-boos'-ko), Molino del Rey (mo-lee'-no del ra), the storming of Chapultepec (chah-pool-ta-pek'), and the triumphal entry into Mexico, September 14, 1847.

And, in spite of the Lady Ysolinde's ink-pool prophecy and my love for my father (such as it was), I did not mean ever to trust myself within that baleful circle of gray and weary plain upon which the Red Tower looked down.

" There was the usual horse trotting from morning to night, both days, with pool selling, from which, I presume, agriculture derived great benefit.

This corner, or Donovan's pool-shack, was their club, their forum.

There he stationed himself to see how the pool-snipe played.

Trained to break stories and score one on the competition, I was amazed at the unofficial news pool system that operates at the Press Room at the Panjim Secretariat.

"Ramblin' Kid, oh, Ramblin' Kid," she murmured, while the long lashes lifted over brown pools tenderness, "a manmy mandoes not need to be or to know all of those things, any of those things, before a girl like me" He crushed her to him and stopped the words on her lips.

Watching her face,that betrayed her every passing thought and emotion as an untroubled pool mirrors the flowers that grow on its banks or the song-bird that pauses to drink,the artistto change her moodsaid, "You love the mountains, don't you?"

In some of the lesser pools birds larger than the stork, bearing under the throat an expansible bag like that of the pelican, were seeking for prey.

In the pool box were two men.

And, just as the western end of the eastern pool communicates by a shallow passage, not a sixth of its greatest depth, with the western pool, so the western pool is separated from the Atlantic by a ridge which runs between Capes Trafalgar and Spartel, on which there is hardly 1,000 feet of water.

Yet did I have the Diskos upon the pool edge to my hand; for I had no proper assurance in this matter.

In the rear was the billiard and pool equipment, which entitled the place to the name "pool-room."

It is ever the way of the ink-pool folk.

I stood watching this pool game until I was called by my friends, who were still in the bar-room, to go upstairs.

25 Words to use with  pool