21 collocations for intreat

La. To you, brave Lord; the Princess would intreat Your present company.

He who honours these Daughters of Jupiter, when they draw near to him, receives great Benefit from them; but as for him who rejects them, they intreat their Father to give his Orders to the Goddess ATE to punish him for his Hardness of Heart.

Since the Case is so, I desire only you would intreat our People of Quality, who are not to be interrupted in their Pleasure to think of the Practice of any moral Duty, that they would at least fine for their Sins, and give something to these poor Children; a little out of their Luxury and Superfluity, would attone, in some measure, for the wanton Use of the rest of their Fortunes.

A noble Peer, for example, (whose wisdom is not to be disputed, since the Abbe Mably calls him the English Socrates,*) asserts that the French troops are the best clothed in Europe; yet letters, of nearly the same date with the Earl's speech, from two Generals and a Deputy at the head of different armies intreat a supply of covering for their denudated legions, and add, that they are obliged to march in wooden shoes!

No, it is to intreat thee not to make them insupportable, by adding what would be worse than all.

What, intreat his Wife to be a Whore? Car.

The man ought to court and intreat the woman respecting marriage with him, and not the woman the man.

[Exeunt Women. Spa. I kneel a stranger here to beg a thing Unfit for me to ask, and you to grant, 'Tis such another strange ill-laid request, As if a begger should intreat a King To leave his Scepter, and his Throne to him And take his rags to wander o're the world Hungry and cold.

So mischievously did this artful villain lay his plots to turn the gentle qualities of this innocent lady into her destruction, and make a net for her out of her own goodness to entrap her: first setting Cassio on to intreat her mediation, and then out of that very mediation contriving stratagems for her ruin.

'My conviction of your skill, and my belief of your friendship, determine me to intreat your opinion and advice.

I have eaten already, I must intreat your pardon.

And we intreat you to examine, whether the purchasing of a Negro, either born here or imported, doth not contribute to a further importation, and, consequently, to the upholding of all the evils above mentioned, and to the promoting of man-stealing, the only theft which by the Mosaic law was punished with death;'He that stealeth a man, and selleth him; or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.'

I must however intreat every particular Person, who does me the Honour to be a Reader of this Paper, never to think himself, or any one of his Friends or Enemies, aimed at in what is said: For I promise him, never to draw a faulty Character which does not fit at least a Thousand People; or to publish a single Paper, that is not written in the Spirit of Benevolence and with a Love to Mankind.

Picture to yourselves, I intreat you, the progress that political demoralization would make under such a system.

Dear Sir, consider it is as much as my Life is Worth, if she should think we were intimate; therefore I earnestly intreat you for the Future to take no Manner of Notice of, Sir, Your obliged humble Servant, Will.

We do therefore, earnestly intreat all the elders of this jurisdiction, as often as they shall see cause, to manifest their zeal against it in their public administrations, and to take care that the members of their respective churches be not defiled therewith, that so, such as shall prove obstinate, and will not reform themselves, may have God and man to witness against them.

Upon her Husband's coming in, she put several Questions to him; which he not caring to resolve, Well, cries Lucina, I shall have 'em all at NightBut lest I should seem guilty of the very Fault I write against, I shall only intreat Mr. SPECTATOR to correct such Misdemeanors; 'For higher of the Genial Bed by far, And with mysterious Reverence, I deem.'

Wretch that I am, uncapable of all comfort, And therefore I intreat my friends and kinsfolk,

There were women That (being not able to intreat the guard To let them passe the gates) were brought to bed Amidst the throngs of men, and made Lucina Blush to see that unwonted companie.

Which we will doe; And using that united powre which warrants All we thinck fitt, we doe intreat your Highnes (For willingly we would not say comaund you), As you affect the safetie of the State Or to preserve your owne deserved honours And never-tainted loyaltie, to make knowne All such as are suspected.

But one morning her maid came to me in tears to intreat my interest for a reconciliation with her mistress, who had turned her out at night for breaking six teeth in a tortoise-shell comb; she had attended her lady from a distant province, and having not lived long enough to save much money, was destitute among strangers, and, though of a good family, in danger of perishing in the streets, or of being compelled by hunger to prostitution.

21 collocations for  intreat