16 examples of decimo in sentences

He who would learn more of Calébar and his brother-trailers, let him procure a copy of the little work that now lies before us, in the shape of a tattered duo-decimo, which has come to us across the Andes and around Cape Horn, from the most secluded corner of the Argentine Confederation.

Q. Fabius Rullianus and P. Decimo Mus defeat the Samnites and Gauls at Sentinum.

; Sed et tu modò ad conuentum vndè venisti reuertere, quia die sequenti decimo ex hoc mundo migrabis.

N. in prouincia Paduana decimo die, prout facti sibi fuir reuelatio, accepta communione, ipsoque ad Deum disponente, etiam corpore existens incolumis in Domino foeliciter requieuit:

" Superscription "Beatissimo Patri Innocentio decimo Pontifici Maximo.

And his confrère replied gallantly, "In seculo decimo tertio," etc., etc., etc.; and from decimo tertio

And his confrère replied gallantly, "In seculo decimo tertio," etc., etc., etc.; and from decimo tertio

"Decimo quarto Maij anno domini ts.


Pio Decimo Press (PWH); 24Oct69; R470635. WELLMAN, RITA.


Pio Decimo Press (PWH); 24Oct69; R470635. WELLMAN, RITA.

His lordship's works have been often printed both in quarto and in duo-decimo.

This Distinction is so well observed, that in an Assembly of the Learned, I have seen a Folio Writer place himself in an Elbow-Chair, when the Author of a Duo-decimo has, out of a just Deference to his superior Quality, seated himself upon a Squabb.

How now, my amazon in decimo sexto!

Decimo Kalendar Septembris.

16 examples of  decimo  in sentences