22 examples of unsurpassable in sentences

But this preposterous, disgusting, outrageous, ridiculous, contemptible, disgraceful, unsurpassable swindle prevented anything like a mutual understanding.

That he has come to an end, is truebut it is to the end of his First Volume, as the F. (and E.) Press can see by turning to the admirably written, dashing, humorous, and absolutely unsurpassable Index appended to our present number, which Index PUNCHINELLO cordially recommends to the perusal of the F. (and E.) Press.

We have it on her own authority, which, in such matters, was unsurpassable, that she was "the best match in Europe, except the Infanta of Spain."

Hygienic, unsurpassable, spacious" The friars looked at one another uneasily.

In the manufacture of silks and crape shawls, the Chinese are unsurpassable; the latter especially, in beauty, tastefulness, and thickness, are far preferable to those made in England or France.

"But I thought I might venture to submit to your consideration a pound of our unsurpassable tea.

Before the rancher could sight his weapon the thief seemed to plunge headlong over the further side of his steed; but instead of doing so he resorted to the common trick of his people, all of whom are unsurpassable horsemen.

Ellen Terry was wonderful, and I should think unsurpassable in all but the lighter parts."

As a picture of the manners and customs of the times it is almost unsurpassable; yet pervading the whole is the strong, clear atmosphere of romantic drama never allowing the somewhat ample descriptions to predominate the thrilling interest with which the story is charged.

There is a picture of Bellini's in S. Zaccaria at VeniceMadonna enthroned with Saintswhere the skill of the colourist may be said to culminate in unsurpassable perfection.

The adroitness and perfection with which he performed the duties of his place were unsurpassable.

It is equally applicable to that which is naturally unsurpassable, and to that which stands within the narrowest limits of comparison.

They inventoried the furniture, gave mother cookery recipes, described minutely the unsurpassable talents of each of their children, and descanted volubly upon the best way of setting turkey hens.

Hinpoha was trying to think of "unsurpassable," and "impassable" was the nearest she came to it.

Men who were undergraduates at Oxford in the 'seventies learned the interpretation, in words of unsurpassable beauty, from John Ruskin: "There is a destiny now possible to usthe highest ever set before a nation, to be accepted or refused.

The official language of its scriptures, creeds, and ritual had never ceased to be the Ancient Greek 'koinè' and by keeping the Romaios familiar with this otherwise obsolete tongue it kept him in touch with the unsurpassable literature of his Ancient Greek predecessors.

If it has not the muscular, unaffected morality of his namesake's unsurpassable "School-Days at Rugby," it is at least the production of an honest, hearty Englishman, and teaches an excellent lesson on the value of pluck and perseverance.

Ponsonby toofor I am weary of seeking fresh epithets for their unsurpassable conducton a strong Persian mare, for a time bore down all opposition.

And all this unsurpassable glory we owe todust!

There is little of the humor which relieves the pathos of Valdés in the equal fidelity of his Marta y Maria or the unsurpassable tragedy of Galdós in his Doña Perfecta.

In a critical estimate of Miss Foley we read: "Her head of the somewhat impracticable but always earnest senator from MassachusettsSumneris unsurpassable and beyond praise.

All the family prepared to kill the fatted calf figuratively, as it took the shape of the sweetest and freshest shrimps as hors d'oeuvre, and then it became an omelette au lard ("O La!") absolutely unsurpassable, and a poulet sauté, which was about the best that ever we tasted.

22 examples of  unsurpassable  in sentences