Which preposition to use with canopy

of Occurrences 178%

" Various theories were advanced, withdrawn, refuted, defended, and the discussion carried them through the swift twilight into the darkness which had been hastened by a high-spreading canopy of storm-clouds.

over Occurrences 24%

" "With a canopy over it!" marveled Violet.

with Occurrences 11%

In the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin, the Farncombe Chantry, are three tombs all canopied with a Knight in chain armour, a Lady, and a young Squire.

above Occurrences 11%

The glare of the great bonfire falls upon the scene; the rain pours down in torrents: they crowd in upon him on all sides, until what was once a stately Ritualistic man resembles some tremendous monster with seventeen wriggling bodies, thirty-four legs, and an alpaca canopy above all.

in Occurrences 10%

The new-born babe was shown in a mighty pretty cradle, designed by Kent, under a canopy in the great drawing-room.

on Occurrences 6%

It happened that a rat, carrying in its mouth the wick of a lamp, set one of the streamers or canopies on fire, which caught the vihâra, and the seven stories were all consumed.

for Occurrences 3%

While I have been looking round, attentive servitors have been busily engaged in uncovering the throne and canopy for my inspection, and the crown which surmounts the chair is fetched from its safe keeping place, screwed on, and I am at liberty to thoroughly examine the most important piece of furniture in the kingdom.

by Occurrences 2%

The viceroy, in the uniform and regalia of a Knight of the Garter, stands under the canopy by her side.

at Occurrences 2%

The king and queen sat under a green canopy at the bow of the vessel, which, according to Burman notions, is the place of honour; indeed, the only part ever occupied by persons of rank.

beneath Occurrences 2%

The judge was Mr. Baron Hatsel, a somewhat weak-looking man, in spite of his red robes and flowing wig, as he sat under his canopy beneath King Arthur's Round Table.

from Occurrences 1%

The fine carvings of the stalls date from 1296 and their canopies from 1390.

around Occurrences 1%

We reached her home in safety, and with little notice, having, of course, drawn the canopy around us as completely as possible.

between Occurrences 1%

There is an effigy of Bishop Montague under a staring canopy between the columns of the N. aisle.

about Occurrences 1%

And then that pretty strawy canopy about him!

through Occurrences 1%

The majestic crowns, approaching each other in bold curves, make a glorious canopy through which the tempered sunbeams pour, silvering the needles, and gilding the massive boles, and flowery, park-like ground, into a scene of enchantment.

under Occurrences 1%

Each of us would say, Canopied under world-skies, I, too, would join this chorus of adoring love!

Which preposition to use with  canopy