Which preposition to use with jib

at Occurrences 3%

"If you accept a room with its fourth wall removed, which nothing short of an earthquake could render possible in real life, why should you jib at the ideain which, after all, there is nothing absolutely impossiblethat a man should utter aloud the thoughts that are passing through his mind?

by Occurrences 1%

The possession of El Jib by us would have attracted some of the enemy opposing the advance of the Yeomanry Mounted Division on the left, but not only was the position strongly defended in the village and on the high ground on the north and north-west, but our infantry could not break down the opposition behind the sangars and boulders on the northern side of Nebi Samwil.

for Occurrences 1%

The horses are changed every ten miles or so, and horrible and blood-curdling tales are extant of the villainy and wrong-headedness of some of these tonga ponies, how they jib for sheer pleasure, and leap over the low parapet that guards them from the precipice merely to vex the helpless traveller.

in Occurrences 1%

Little did I understand, before practice taught me the lesson, that of all the work on board ship, which Jack is required to do, his trick at the wheel is that which he least covets, unless indeed it may be the office of stowing the jib in heavy weather.

like Occurrences 1%

A troop-horse of a flanking squadron decided that he had had enough of war, and jibbed like Lot's wife.

of Occurrences 1%

Up went the jib of the Arato.

on Occurrences 1%

But this amative mariner filled his jibs on another tack, and before his crew knew whither they were bound was well on his long traverse to Peru.

through Occurrences 1%

The Turk had made it his advanced work for his main line running from El Jib through Bir Nabala, Beit Iksa to Lifta, as strong a chain of entrenched mountains as any commander could desire.

under Occurrences 1%

It, moreover, selected this spot for its shrine by jibbing under the immediate eye of a bishop, and refusing to be carried further up the mountain.

Which preposition to use with  jib