37 Verbs to Use for the Word dilemmas

To avoid such grievous dilemma, I judge it well that ye both ascend to heaven without further ceremony.

He journeyed up to Richmond, and, one day, laid these facts before Barney, who instantly saw his friend's dilemma, and at once set about inventing a ruse that should extricate him, without mortifying the kind people who had befriended him.

Quartermaster Hayswho had obtained permission to accompany the expeditionwas riding near the General, and comprehending the dilemma of the man, rushed up to him, jerked the bugle from his hands and sounded the charge himself in clear and distinct notes.

Hegel was the first non-mystical writer to face the dilemma squarely and throw away the ordinary logic, saving a pseudo-rationality for the universe by inventing the higher logic of the 'dialectic process.'

He was rather surprised to find, that, far from being discouraged, she seemed highly to enjoy the dilemma.

He had already faced and partly evaded this dilemma in his Springfield speech of 1857, but that was a local declaration and occurred before his Lecompton revolt, and the ingenious sophism then put forth had attracted little notice.

'You perceive my dilemma, Monsieur Gerard,' said he.

Now mark the dilemma.

Further, if education is to overcome the menaces and solve the dilemma of democracy, it must be carried beyond childhood and youth and outside the walls of academic institutions.

But as he stood opposite Madame Louison at supper, with his eyes, as usual, fixed upon her face, his heart involuntarily quailed when he thought that within a few hours he was to raise his hand against that beautiful head; yet he still felt within himself no courage to refuse, nor any fertility of expedient to elude the dilemma.

But if I did not possess the spirit of truth, how could I see any truth whatsoever?" S. "Suppose, dear boy, that instead of your possessing it, it were possible for it to possess you; and possessing you, to show you as much of itself, or as little, as it might choose, and concerning such things only as it might choose: would not that explain the dilemma?" P.

Wherever he turned, he found the same insolvable dilemma; either a fatal illusion, or death without it.

"Which gives us the dilemma in its fullest force," said the priest, speaking as if to the floor.

DILEMMAS A story that has done service in political campaigns to illustrate supposed dilemmas of the opposition will likely be revived in every political "heated term.

That increases our dilemma.

Mr. Smilie, voicing the sentiment and indicating the dilemma of most of his fellow Pennsylvanians, declared his unconquerable aversion to any measure which would make the federal government a dealer in slaves, but confessed that he had no programme of his own.

His attitude towards reason was the attitude of the mystic; and it involved an inevitable dilemma.

His clumsy interference in the intrigues of his friend only serves to augment his difficulties, and occasions many an awkward dilemma.

Now we offer Mr. Choate a dilemma: either God always interferes, or sometimes: if always, why need Mr. Choate meddle?

The question presents a dilemma.

As the third quarter of the eighteenth century closed with the death of Louis XV, all intelligent French administrators recognized the dilemma; either relief must be given, or France must become insolvent, and revolution supervene upon insolvency.

The English Government, still anxious to keep the peace, represented to Bismarck the dilemma in which he had placed the Danes.

It is outside the province of this book and beyond the power of its author even so much as to sketch the main outlines of this theory, but certain of its conclusions are indispensable, since they baldly set forth our dilemma in regard to the measurement of space and time.

Jack saluted, and stated his dilemma to the commander, who listened with amused interest.

Thou, in English, still retains its place firmly, and without dispute, in all addresses to the Supreme Being; but in respect to the first person, an observant clergyman has suggested the following dilemma: "Some men will be pained, if a minister says we in the pulpit; and others will quarrel with him, if he says I."Abbott's Young Christian, p. 268. OBS.

37 Verbs to Use for the Word  dilemmas