13 adjectives to describe camper

He was often found digging in the trash that was sometimes left by careless campers or burrowing in other animals' nests.

As a result the fire was in a short time burning freely, and diffusing a genial warmth around that proved very acceptable to the chilled campers.

To the eyes of the wet, chilly campers, it was the most beautiful scene they had ever looked upon.

I nearly died of impatience before I got here, as it was!" Mrs. Grayson beamed on the enthusiastic camper; the old girls sang a lusty cheer to the new girl who was such a good sport; and, twinkling and beaming in all directions, Jean sat down on the floor with the others to hear the camp councilors introduced.

And in half an hour we reeled in and turned homewards, for we had no means of storage, and to clean more fish than may be stored or eaten in a day is no wise occupation for experienced campers.

Things were tumbled about in the disorder of inexperienced campers, but everything was very new and clean except an array of dishes on the table, which told Casey that one man had eaten at least three meals without washing his dishes or putting away his surplus of food.

When it was getting dark they were almost at the summit, but there was no good camping place, and they saw a small fire light at a little distance and went to it, finding a poor lone camper taking care of himself.

He carried it loose in his mackinaw pocketa camper, mind you.

Mr. Ellsworth raised his eyebrows in that way he has and said, "Isn't that a good deal of money for two young fellows to take camping?" The camper said, "Yes, I guess it is, but we're pretty punk campers, I suppose, any way you look at it.

When the rival campers had been left far behind, the boys considered it safe to part company with the supply train, and dash off.

They are light treaders, the split-feet, so that the solitary camper sees their eyes about him in the dark sometimes, and hears the soft intake of breath when no leaf has stirred and no twig snapped underfoot.

She's as good a traveller as I am, every bit; I've had her in training at it for thirty years, and I tell her, old as we are, we are better campers than most of the young people.

To the eyes of the wet, chilly campers, it was the most beautiful scene they had ever looked upon.

13 adjectives to describe  camper