8 adjectives to describe commissary

On the 21st, all arrangements having been completed, Mr. H.B. Renwick, leaving the assistant commissary with only one man in the stationary camp, set off toward the head of Rimouski.

This was the first of many visits to the hospital by the devoted commissary and of many anxious hours at that distressed bedside.

I must confess that I was deceived at the time, but hearing the merriment which it afforded to the holy commissary and the alguazil, I began to suspect that it originated in the fertile brain of my master, and from that time I ceased to be a child of grace.

Two imperial commissaries, accompanied by as many Jesuits and supported by fifteen musketeers, made their appearance in this peaceful valley to preach the gospel to the heretics.

One of themsenior to the othersat once dispatched a younger comrade to the nearest commissary of police for advice and assistance.

At the same time three hundred Chickamaugas, likewise led by the resident British commissaries, started out against the Carolina frontier.

She explained, further, that he was rather softhearted, while she was a business woman; also that the royal commissary's rolls did not comprehend such a thing as a spinster, andincidentallythat living by principle was rather out of fashion in the province just then.

" His friend William Ramsay"well known, well-esteemed, and of unblemished character"he appointed commissary, and long after, in 1769, wrote, "Having once or twice of late heard you speak highly in praise of the Jersey College, as if you had a desire of sending your son William there ...

8 adjectives to describe  commissary