21 adjectives to describe emerald

And all I have are these forty-eight diamonds, a bag of square emeralds, and a couple of rubies to spare.

"That's pure emerald, like the seventh foundation of the city.

Great rubies, costly emeralds, deep ruddy beryls, glimmering diamonds, were scattered there in one brilliant shimmering many-coloured heap, the harvest which she had reaped from the king's generosity during more than fifteen years.

And they took their emerald all three, one enormous emerald each, while the old man hopelessly struggled till he saw his three emeralds go, and fell to the floor and wept, a pitiable, sodden heap.

Then the new leaves of the spring wink like fat emeralds and the loaded branches of cherry-bloom grow transparent and glow as a hand glows held up against flame.

The foot of the cup is an emerald, flat on the bottom and joined to the stem by a ferrule of transparent enamel.

The most magnificent specimen of genuine emeralds was presented to the Church of Loretto by one of the Spanish kings.

The rocky jaws confining it gradually converge as it approaches the edge of the fall, bending its course by their projections, and apparently crowding back the water, which struggles and leaps against their bases, warring with its bounds in the impatience of restraint, and madly leaping from its confines, a liquid emerald wreathed with foam, into the abyss beneath.

Each valley and hillside was a medley of soft and shimmering colour, save in the higher, austerer dales, where, as in Langdale, the woods scarcely climb, and the bare pastures have only a livelier emerald to show, or the crags a warmer purple, as their testimony to the spring.

2. For formerly it was so on earth that the white wine was taken in difficult places, as on entering the battlefield, or, as it was said, where the stones were broken and destroyed, where were broken into fragments the lovely emeralds, the turquoises, the honored precious stones, the youths, the children; therefore take the flowery white wine, O friends and brothers.

You truly have those magnificent emeralds, those almost matchless diamonds, of which one has heardthe Anstruther collection?" "I have them, Madame la Comtesse," said Eve with a smiling nod"yes.

The oriental emeralds and rubies are less vulgarized and cast brilliant, rutilant flames, but they remind one of the green and red antennae of certain omnibuses which carry signal lights of these colors.

Between beetling ramparts of stone, terraced, crenellated and battlemented in motley strata of pink and brown and yellow and black, the river Tarn had gouged out for itself a canyon through which its waters swept and tumbled, as green as translucent jade in sunlight, profound emerald in shadow, cream white in churning rapids.

I saw little really fine jewellery, probably because I was obviously unlikely to be a big buyer, but many good spinels, dark topaz, and rough emeralds.

2. teoatl tlachinolli; see note VI, 4. in maquiztli tlazotetl, the beloved jewels, a phrase which indicates that the broken stones and splintered emeralds referred to are the young warriors who fall in battle, the pride of their parents' hearts, who are destroyed in the fight.

" She took the superb emerald.

In her ears were two great, thick emeralds, and on her fingers a half dozen diamonds whose facets twinkled in the sunlight.

Here one sees the translucent emerald suggesting the hope of the rewards of merit.

And when he looked again he saw it was that ring of carven emerald that he had given to Sir Lamorack as aforetold.

Jane divided her admiration between a rope of fat pearls and a necklace of uncut emeralds, either of which might have been hers at the trifling price of some 7000 rupees, but we finally restricted our acquisitions to very modest proportions, and the stout jeweller departed, apparently no whit less cheerful than when he came.

Here, by the by, are mentioned celebrated emeralds, which have turned out to be only lumps of green glass!)

21 adjectives to describe  emerald