34 adjectives to describe pills

A chaplain in Congress: after we took down that bitter MasonandSlidell pill, it was.

Frustra fit per plura (as the saying is) quod fieri potest per pauciora; 300 simples in a julep, potion, or a little pill, to what end or purpose?

"You need no more leetle pill?

You may view them also in the light of establishments for the manufacture and distribution of domestic perfumery, payment for which is never exacted at the moment of its involuntary purchase, but is left to be collected by a doctor,who calls upon you during the winter, levies on you with a lancet, and distrains upon your viscera with a compound cathartic pill.

She forgot about the marriage and its problems, and plunged at once into an exposition of her views of medicineher hostility to the allopaths, with their huge, fierce doses of dreadful poisons that had ruined most of the teeth and stomachs in the town; her disdain of the homeopaths, with their petty pills and their silly notion that the hair of the dog would cure its bite.

A few drops to a teaspoonful of paregoric, given at night, will do good, and the bowels should be kept regular, and a simple laxative pill given now and then.

" He had taken from his pocket a brown pill of the size of a large pea, and sat rolling it in his palm.

THE TOMATO-CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. Don't talk to me of colocynth or famed cerulean pill, Don't mention hyoscyamus or aloes when I'm ill; The very word podophyllin is odious in mine ears, The thought of all the drugs I've ta'en calls up the blinding tears; The Demon of Dyspepsia, a sufferer writes to say, At sight of the Tomato-plant will vanish quite away.

But it is not to pure chemistry alone that we are indebted for the elegant dosing of the present day; progressive pharmacy, with its tablets, its coated pills, and its capsules, has put to shame the old-time purveyor of galenicals.

THE TOMATO-CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. Don't talk to me of colocynth or famed cerulean pill, Don't mention hyoscyamus or aloes when I'm ill; The very word podophyllin is odious in mine ears, The thought of all the drugs I've ta'en calls up the blinding tears; The Demon of Dyspepsia, a sufferer writes to say, At sight of the Tomato-plant will vanish quite away.

" The three degrees in medical treatmentPositive, ill; comparative, pill; superlative, bill.

Jefferson himself, in advising the American foreign representatives of the policy of the Government, said that it would be "a fair neutrality"; and, in writing to Madison a few days after the proclamation had been issued, he remarked, "I fear a fair neutrality will prove a disagreeable pill to our friends, though necessary to keep us out of the calamities of war.

This is wanton excess; it is gilding the golden pill, and throwing fresh perfume on the Mistura Assafoetidae.

In one case I happened to be the person to inform the physician of it, who substituted for the prescription a comparatively harmless aperient pill.

He brags, moreover, that he was primus medicorum, and did more famous cures than all the physicians in Europe besides, "a drop of his preparations should go farther than a dram, or ounce of theirs," those loathsome and fulsome filthy potions, heteroclitical pills (so he calls them), horse medicines, ad quoram aspectum Cyclops Polyphemus exhorresceret.

He said to his men: "Open up your kits, and let them see whether these horrible pills are in them."

[Cause of inactivity] lullaby, sedative, tranquilizer, hypnotic, sleeping pill, relaxant, anaesthetic, general anaesthetic &c 174; torpedo.

In one word, men who had acquired just the habit of mind which the study of Natural Science can give, and must give; for without it there is no use studying Natural Science; and the man who has not got that habit of mind, if he meddles with science, will merely become a quack and a charlatan, only fit to get his bread as a spirit-rapper, or an inventor of infallible pills.

The College of Edinburgh used to make this root an ingredient in the purging cephalic tincture, and compound tincture of jalap; and its extract, in the purging deobstruent pills, gamboge pills, the laxative mercurial pills, and the compound cathartic extract.

'tis cruel so to do, Though often weak and ill, For they my plaints would stop, with a juicy mutton-chop, Or a mild and savoury pill!

I've given him the morphia pill and I don't think he's in pain.

"That means you are prepared to take me like a nasty pill, doesn't it?

Mrs. Marmaduke talked tediously of the trials and responsibilities of conscientious mothers who have grown-up daughters to provide for, was given to frequent freshets of tears, consumed many "nervous pills" of the retired-clergyman-whose-sands-of-life-have-nearly-run-out sort, and netted bead purses for the Select Home for Poor Gentlemen's Daughters.

I have taken three rufuses, or pestilential pills; two spoonfuls of alexiteral water; the same quantity of anti-pestilential decoction; half as much of Sir Theodore Mayerne's electuary; and a large dose of orvietan.

Pink pills for pale people ain't in it.

34 adjectives to describe  pills